Chapter 31

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And now we have approached the very last chapter *dramatic music*

Seriously though, thank you all for the support that you've given me since the very beginning. Things have been very difficult, both with family issues and with the recent election and writing has been my main resort. I appreciate you all and don't worry, I still have much more to write and share with you all <3


"Children, don't surround her please." Miss Peregrine scolds lightly. Matilda had just came down stairs for breakfast and was almost immediately bombarded with questions about where she has been, the concern growing when they seen the bandages covering her eye. Growing overwhelmed, the girl gently took Alma's hand, surprising the older woman for a second but didn't falter with returning the gesture and guiding her to the dining area.

"I have something important to announce once everyone is here." The ymbryne says, waiting on a few of the other children to take a seat at the breakfast table.

"What is it?" Emma asks, a slight smile playing on her lips.

"Is it something bad?" Olive then asks, worry on her face.

"No, not anything bad. Well, hopefully not for any of you." Alma corrects herself, noticing that it didn't seem to please any of their concern. "Miss Honey and I just have something rather important to share as you should all be aware."

"You're breaking up?" Emma immediately guesses, suddenly concerned.

"What?" Alma questioned, slightly taken aback and confused.

"Clearly not." Enoch mutters, Miss Peregrine's cheeks turning slightly pink when she knew what he was referencing.

"Wait you're together?" Hugh says, Horace rolling his eyes.

"Was it not obvious?" Emma says, Alma watching them all banter, casting a shared glance with the woman beside her.

"So everyone pretty much knows?" Jenny speaks up, Emma shrugging with a knowing smile. "Did you tell them?"

"I didn't need to say anything, you both just made it very obvious." Emma mentions, taking a small bite of her food.

"Well, I suppose that settles that then." Alma says, immediately narrowing her eyes and glancing over when she seen Jenny face when she sat down. "What are you planning?"

"Planning what?" Jenny smiles slyly, looking back down to her food with a pleased hum.

"I can tell you are." Alma says, ignoring her response and Jenny looked up at her, those brilliant brown eyes of hers searing into Alma's and managing to make her blush, noticing the mischievous glint in them.

"You have to wait." She responds, the children thankfully not overhearing the two converse. Matilda though was the only one who knew what Jenny was planning, her mother looking down beside her when she felt the girls gaze on her, Matilda managing to send her a smile that the woman returned. Breakfast went much smoother than usual, the children happy to finally spend time with both Miss Honey and Matilda, especially after all the lost time. Jenny was trying to keep her nerves at bay, thinking of her plan which only increased the adrenaline coursing through her. Her hands shook slightly anytime she lifted her fork or took a drink which didn't go unnoticed by the ravenette, but Alma didn't question it, merely resting her hand against her knee until the end of breakfast. The older woman and her cleaned up the table, but Jenny had stopped her when she went to start the water to soak the dishes.

"Those can wait, I can help you with them later." Jenny says softly, taking her hand to pull her away from the counter.

"You've been acting strange." Alma mentions, raising an eyebrow before her expression shifted to slightly worry. "I didn't say something wrong, did I?"

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