Chapter 7

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Miss Honey woke up the next morning immediately going to search for the older woman but didn't move when she realized someone was underneath her. Her eyes slowly made their way up to see the ravenette under her, Alma still half asleep, her breathing slow and her features more content than usual. When did she come to bed? Jenny just remembered falling asleep shortly after she left to go to her office. Her heart started to race when she rethought what happened yesterday, Matilda immediately on her mind. The woman did her best to carefully lift herself off Alma without waking her, but the headmistress was a light sleeper and opened her eyes when she felt Jenny move.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Miss Honey whispers, her heart beating quickly as a faint blush went across her cheeks.

"It's alright." The ymbryne replies, waiting a moment before finding her hand, gently taking it in hers to try and settle her nerves.

"Did you find anything?" Jenny asks, a bit more desperate than how she wanted to come off as.

"Not yet, but we will figure this out. I promise."

"Can't I go find her now?" The woman asks, her hold on her hand tightening slightly. "I could take the ferry or shift or- something." She rambles, Alma sitting up against the pillows.

"Jenny, you don't know how to fly." She points out, her thumb running across the top of her hand. "Take a breath." She tells her, her blue eyes focusing on her, hiding her concern. Jenny took a shaky breath in, her hand holding the older woman's tight, Alma allowing her to to help her relax. It didn't last long though when there was a rapid knock on the ymbrynes bedroom door, the ravenette quickly sitting up and answering it.

Emma briefly glanced at Miss Honey when she seen her, a bit surprised and confused but she didn't question it, her voice rather urgent.

"There's someone at the door. I don't know who, but they haven't stopped knocking." The girl says, clearly worried as normally they don't have visitors this early. Alma shared a short glance with Jenny before looking back at the girl.

"Miss Bloom, please stay in your room until I let you all know to go downstairs." She says, the girl nodding before leaving down the hallway. The ymbryne quickly fixed the loose strands in her hair before heading downstairs, Jenny hesitating before deciding to follow.

She quietly followed a few feet behind the woman, Alma noticing she was there when she reached the door, opening it when she felt her chest tighten at the realization of who it was. Agatha let herself into the home, Miss Peregrine immediately guarding in front of Jenny, but her glare faltered when she seen the girl.

"Matilda!" Jenny went to run forward when Agatha held out the pistol she had, the cold metal against the woman's forehead.

"One more step and your dear daughter won't be the only one who suffers." Agatha spits out, Miss Honey immediately staying still.

"Agatha, drop the weapon." Alma says firmly, a flicker of panic filling her when she seen the gun press further against Jenny's forehead.

"It's funny how you think you have the reigns over the situation, Miss Peregrine." The woman smiles, Jenny casting her gaze up to look at Matilda, the girl thankfully seeming unharmed and just frightened. "I would warn your little pests to stay away of they don't want to join dear Matilda." Agatha smiled, the ravenette looking over and noticing the children who were gather on top of the staircase, frightened and confused. They hadn't know Miss Honey had returned nor the situation with Matilda.

"Children, stay at the staircase please." Miss Peregrine ordered, her gaze moving back to the woman. "Let them go."

"You don't seem to have caught on to the deal I'm proposing, Miss Peregrine." Agatha says, Matilda trying to run out of her grasp but couldn't. Jenny went to get her daughter, when Agatha pushed the pistol against her forehead, nudging the woman down on to her knees.

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