Chapter 24

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Jenny woke up with a yawn, rubbing her eyes before slowly opening them, squinting from the sun that casted over her in bed. She let out a quiet noise as she slowly sat up, disoriented for a moment when the memory of earlier that morning creeping into her mind and her cheeks turned a shade of pink. Shaking off the blush, she got up out of bed, noticing her stitches were gone, a long scar left in the palm of her hand. Jenny went to clench her hand, but stopped when she felt her palm ache.

The brunette ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it as she looked in the mirror of Alma's vanity, smiling slightly at the several dark marks she found on her skin, two on her neck that her clothing didn't hide. Glancing over, she spotted Alma's makeup on the side of her dresser, noticing the foundation. She would ask her first, but she'd rather not chance the children seeing so she took out a small amount to cover the two bruised marks Alma had left. A faint blush fell over her cheeks as she did, thinking back to the moment until she was finished, setting it back aside and smoothing out her skirt before heading downstairs.

She noticed Alma in the kitchen, seeming almost done with making breakfast and Jenny brightened at her presence, striding over to her. The ymbryne tensed for just a moment when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind, but the familiar scent of honey made her smile, leaning back and placing a discreet kiss on the tip of her nose.

"Good morning, love."

"Good morning, bluebird." Jenny replies with a sweet smile as she hugged her. "You didn't wake me up."

"To be frank, you fell asleep shortly after we woke up." Alma points out with a playful look.

"Well in all fairness, you made me exhausted." Jenny retorts, noticing the faint pink on the pale woman's cheeks at the statement, the brunette feeling her own form.

"I didn't hear you complaining." She whispers, a slow smirk spreading on her lips that Jenny couldn't help but look down at. Alma's eyes roamed over her, the smirk growing slightly when she seen the faint purple of the marks Jenny had done her best to cover.

"Such a shame you had to cover them." She mumbles, the brunette blushing as she met her teasing gaze.

"Next time don't put them in a place that's so noticible and I won't have to." Jenny says with a playful glare, Alma seeing right through it and smiling.

"I suppose I got caught up in the moment." The ymbryne replies, placing a gentle kiss between her eyebrows before pulling away. "Now, would you mind helping me set the table?"

"Not at all." Jenny says, taking a few plates to the dining area. Alma followed behind with the food to set in the center of the table, the children slowly making their way downstairs as they did. Once the table was set, Miss Peregrine checked her pocket watch once more, smiling a bit when she seen there was an extra 3 minutes left until the children would be downstairs to eat.

"Jenny, darling, come here." At the sound of her soft voice, Jenny perked up and followed her to the kitchen, giggling softly when she felt her place a kiss on her cheek.

"What was that for?" Jenny smiles, her hands moving from the ymbrynes waist to the collar of her blazer, her eyes moving down as she fixed it.

"Because I love you." Alma says softly, kissing her neck before pulling away, resting her forehead against hers, the brunette looking back up at her. Jenny smiled, her cheeks tinged with a faint pink, but Alma seen the slight falter in her expression.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." Jenny says quietly, her cheeks seeming to burn brighter. "I just wanted to ask you..." She trailed off, growing shy and Alma raised an eyebrow as she patiently waited for her to ask. "We haven't really put a label on whatever this has been and I suppose I was just wanting to ask, do you want to be my girlfriend...?" Jenny's cheeks were turning red at this point, feeling a bit vulnerable under the ravenettes close gaze when suddenly Alma laughed which immediately made Jenny embarrassed.

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