Chapter One - Diners and Holidays

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Maia Mitchell as Victoria Dawson.
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Chapter One.

"Hello my names Victoria what would you like to order?" I fake smile as I ask my best friend and his girlfriend what they want to order.

"Well Tori, I would like a chocolate milkshake and some fries and the lady would have..." He says waiting for his girlfriend with flawless skin to answer.

"I'll have a vanilla milkshake and a hamburger." She glances at the menu. I scribble all this on my notepad and I walk behind to see a smirking Joshua Fletcher. I dislike him so much. Actually dislike is not the word hate is the word.

"Hello my names Victoria what would you like to order?" He mocks me as I roll my eyes.

"Leave me alone Josh I have people to serve." I say pushing up my glasses and walking to the kitchen as I start making the chocolate and vanilla milkshakes while my other co-worker Natalie starts on the fries and hamburger.

"Whatever nerd what did you get in the last biology test by the way?" He asks over my shoulder.

"I got--" I start but he cuts me off.

"You got and A I know I know." He rolls his eyes.

"Actually I got an A+ so ha." I stick out my tongue at him and walk away holding the milkshakes in my hands as he gets the hamburger and fries and follows me to my best friends table.

"Your milkshakes and hamburger and fries are here." I put on a fake smile again.

"Tori why so sad?" Luke my best friend asks may I also add my only best friend.

"He's annoying me again." I say pointing to Josh who is flirting with a blond haired girl.


"Don't worry sweetheart two more hours then you can get out of there and go home." Luke reminds me.

"Two more freakin' hours?" I whine.

"Yep." He says popping the 'p'. I go back to work and drag Josh with me.

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"Finally I can go home and don't have to be near you." I sneer as I get my bag taking off my apron and hanging it on a hook.

"Trust me nerd I am way more happy then you." He spits in my face.

"You wish." I shot back.

"Joshua and Victoria can I talk to the both of you for a second?" Our manager asks she is Josh's grandmother and a very kind lady may I add, unlike Josh.

"Grandma what do you want to talk to us about?" Josh questions while glancing at me then his grandma again.

"Well you two don't get along and we are losing customers." Josh's grandma tells us.

"Then don't put us working at the same time." I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"No can do." She smirked "why not?" I ask "because you two are going to get along whether you like it or not," she says sternly.

"And how are you going to do that we go to the same school but never talk to each other only time we see each other it at work." Josh states.

"You two are going on holiday together." She says cheerfully.

"What?!" We both scream in unison.

"I am sorry Tina but I can't even look at him without feeling like throwing up now I have to spend a month with him no way am I doing that!" I say throwing a tantrum and Josh rolls his eyes. Isn't this getting to him?

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