Chapter Seventeen - Burnt Turkeys and Promising Presents

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Chapter Seventeen

"Josh! You're going to burn the turkey," I exclaim. I run across the kitchen getting oven gloves, quickly slipping them on and grabbing the turkey from the oven.

"Sorry," he mumbles, "just distracted."

"Why?" I say trying to open the window, Josh comes from behind and opens it with ease since I was struggling.

"Are we inviting Val and Luke?" Josh asks.

"Yeah-- wait don't try change the subject on me," I narrow my eyes at my boyfriend. He raises his hands in defence. "Oh and Val can't come she's out of town, remember and Luke's spending it with his family," I remind him.

Great the turkeys burnt. "My mom is going to be back any minute with your gran and we aren't ready. Why did I agree to do this?" I say sitting on the chair near the dining table, I cough a bit and Josh pats my back.  

Tina moved to a hospital out of town because she needs better treatment. The hospital allowed her to go home for the holidays and I was stupid to ask my mom if Josh and I can cook Christmas dinner.

"Relax they're still coming in like an hour we can go to the shops-" I cut Josh off.

"The shops are closed on Christmas remember?" I remind him.

"Well, we are just going to have to make do with the stuff we have here, I guess." Josh shrugs going to the counter and starting to peel potatoes. He's too good for me.

"Yeah, let's make potatoes with gravy, mixed vegetable and chicken since someone burnt our last turkey," I narrow my eyes at my boy and he just smiles innocently at me making me melt on the spot.

* * * * *

"Phew done," Josh says wiping his forehead the dinner is set out on the table with candles and Christmas crackers.

"We need to change we look horrible and I think I have pieces of vegetables in my hair," I groan and go upstairs with Josh trailing behind me, he grabs his clothes since he slept over last night and rushes into the guest room and I grab my Christmas outfit; a red skirt that's checkered, a white t-shirt tucked in and a grey cardigan and red flats I quickly curl my hair applying a light amount of makeup.

I rush downstairs and I see Josh cleaning up the floor as soon as he sees me his eyes widens, "You look great," is all he says. "Thanks right back at ya," I say discreetly scanning his body, he's wearing a white t-shirt and red jeans and a grey hoodie with red high-tops.

Everything is set and I hear my mom pull up in the driveway Josh and I go outside and my mom carries Tina out of the car into her wheel chair, Josh quickly rushes to my moms side and wheels Tina up the ramp.

"Hi Tina, hey mom." I greet. My mom comes in and takes off her black leather gloves. "Something smells nice, let's dig in."

In about ten minutes we are having the time of out lives talking and cracking jokes while 'Merry Christmas Everyone' is playing in the background.

"I'm sorry your parents aren't around Josh," my mom says sympathetically. Josh simply shrugs, "it's okay, I mean they're always working anyway, they don't even know gran has freaking cancer," I squeeze his hand and I see his shoulders relax.

"Let's forget about them Josh, its Christmas," Tina says a warm smile on her face.

"Presents time," I scream like a little kid, Josh chuckles and we all go into the living room. Josh and I cuddle on the couch with a blanket in top of us and Tina and my mom sit on the other couch and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way.

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