Chapter Twenty-One - Broken Men and Funerals

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"Tori, you need to eat something," My mom says concerned, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"No thanks," I say looking at her now, "I'm fine, not hungry at all."

My mom sighs defeated and I smile innocently at her before putting my head in my pillow. James comes in my room and I groan, "Go away."

"What's wrong?" He asks awkwardly leaning on the doorframe of my room.


He sighs leaving me alone. My phone starts to ring and the it reads, Luke ♡ I press the green receive button.

"Hello?" I say tiredly.

"Mind telling me why your not in school," He says sternly I hear music from like the nineties in the background.

"Where are you?" I ask avoiding the question.

"Gym, actually waltzing class I hate our waltz teacher," Luke says and I giggle a bit. He's the first on who has been able to make me laugh today.

"I'm with Valerie for waltzing and the girl cannot dance," He says in a hush tone.

"Aren't you going to get in trouble?" I ask sitting up in my bed.

"I care that you're not in school, and Josh is your waltzing partner," Luke says and I widen my eyes and drop my phone. He's my waltzing partner, oh damn it.

I pick up the phone and breathe in and out, "Amazing," I say, I can't tell Luke that Josh and I broke up, because he'll beat up Josh and no offence to Luke but Josh is going to crush him.

"I need to go, but I'll see you tomorrow...I hope," Luke says. I bid him my goodbye and groan hitting my head with a pillow.

* * * * *

Josh's POV

"One, two three, one two three," The waltz instructor, Antonio counts.

"Can you go five seconds without stepping on my toes," I hiss to my ex-girlfriend, she rolls her gorgeous brown eyes and mumbles a 'whatever.'

"No no no, you children are like cartwheeling seals. The guy takes the lead," He stressfully says.

"Ow," Tori groans.

"Joshua and Victoria you both are the worst," Antonio yells, Tori flushes red. Cute.

Antonio walks over to us, "It's like you both don't want to touch each other." Antonio puts my right hand on Tori's waist and I feel her shiver a bit. He grabs Tori's soft hand and places it on my shoulder. I see she took off my promise ring and I suck in a harsh breath.

It hurts.

"Now would you look into each other's eyes for goodness sake," Antonio says. Tori slowly lifts up her head and looks into my eyes with hers.

The eyes she got from her mother.

Antonio sighs and goes over and starts the music.

"Now you're all going to waltz in a circle, not a square not a diamond, a cir-cle," Antonio says like he's teaching a bunch of five year olds. I see Tori looking down.

"Head up remember?" I whisper in her ear and her head snaps up.

"Go, start," Antonio says. We all start to waltz in a circle and it goes wrong we are all stepping on each other's feet and no one can keep up with the pace.

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