Chapter Twelve - Physical Fights and Asking Out

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Chapter Twelve

I stop at the library it's my favourite place to go when I'm feeling upset and plus I know a lot of people here.

"Hey Mrs. Puckett." I whisper to the librarian. "Tori, dear I haven't seen you in a long time," Mrs. Puckett smiles. I lean on the desk. "I've been on vacation." I reply. "Well, darling look around we've gotten a lot of books shipped in while you were gone." Mrs. Puckett tells me. "Thanks."

I look around the library flipping through some books. "Tori." I hear a voice say I spin around and find Evan looking at me with a few books in his hand, all Shakespeare. "Hey Evan." I greet with a fake smile. "Hi Tori, I see you're back." Evan says running a hand through his hair. "Yep. . .so how was your summer?" I ask leaning on the shelf behind me. "It was good, I guess, my stepdad came back from England a few days ago." Evan says. Evan has a stepdad his real dad died from lung cancer about two years ago. "That's cool, so see you around?" I say walking past him. "Tori, wait." Evan says grabbing onto my hand. He breathes in deeply, "would you like to go on a date with me, I've liked you since freshman year but never had the courage to ask you out." Evan rambles.

I look at the brown carpet underneath me. "Wow, I'll get back to you on that okay?" I slightly smile, the truth is I don't like Evan at all. All I see him is as a brother, that have a lot of things in common with me. Or maybe because you have already fell for Josh. My conscious says. He smiles back walking away. I sigh looking through some books, I get interrupted by a text from Luke.

Luke 😜❤️: where are you? you finished your shift thirty minutes ago.

Me: at the library.

Luke 😜❤️: at the library? you only go there to study but we have nothing to study...that means your upset I'll be over in less than five minutes. 

Me: you know me too well.

Luke ❤️😜: love you too peaches, be right there.

I turn off my phone putting it in my pocket. I still have my apron on how embarrassing. I take it off, holding on to it. I look through some other books. I love books and reading it inspires me how different every character is. How the author can use words we use daily to create something absolutely breathtaking. Books helps you remove yourself from reality, but I have to say I am a sucker for sad ending like 'The Fault In Our Stars' I cried so many times, I even cry just talking or thinking about it. My phone buzzes again.

Luke 😜❤️: where are u?

Me: Teen fiction.

Luke 😜❤️: okay brunette.

In less than twenty seconds Luke drags me out of the library we sit on the bench outside. He hugs me abruptly and I hug him back. "What happened." He asks. "Nicole's at it again, Josh never liked me it was a lie." I'm surprised I'm not crying I am very upset though. "Oh Tori." Luke hugs me again.

* * * * * *

"Ok, Kate see you later babe, love you. . .okay bye now." Luke says putting his phone into his pocket. "I see she finally said she loves you." I wink and Luke blushed. "Yeah." He sighs happily. Sometimes I'm jealous of Luke. He has this perfect life, he has both of his parents, has an amazing girlfriend and he knows what he wants to be in the future, an artist. Yet I don't even know what I want for dinner. I don't know what I want to do in the future, all I know is that I want to go to NYU but to study what?

"What you thinking of, peaches?" Luke asks playing with my hair as we are both lying down on my bed. "You." I breathe out. "What about me?" He asks, now not playing with my hair anymore."your life is perfect." I say, "Tori being called perfect is a big insult, I am not perfect. Sure, my life is great right now but trust me, you out of all people should no that I am no where near perfect. Okay brunette?" Luke explains, I give him a smile before sighing heavily. All of a sudden the door bell rings.

"I'll go get it." Luke says getting up and walking down the stairs. My mind wonders to Evan asking me out. Am I ready? No. Do I like him? Not really. My life is so complicated. What is Luke doing? He's taking too long.

I walk out of my bed leaving the sheets messy all of a sudden I hear a groan coming form downstairs, then I hear a bang. I run downstairs to see Luke and Josh punching each other What on earth? I am frozen I can't move. I always hated watching physical fights it get me scared. That's why I can't watch wrestling with Luke.

I snap back to reality. "Stop!" I scream at the top of my lungs making my mom rush down from the basement a paintbrush in her hand and her apron on. "Stop, both of you. Why Luke? Why are you doing this?" I ask, in a pleading tone. "He hurt you Tori and now he has the guts to show up at your house." He says his lip is busted, knuckles are bleeding and his shirt is a bit ripped. "I know but fighting is not going to settle any of this." I say, rubbing my temples. "Josh leave." I point at the door. "Tori I-," he starts. "Leave now!" I yell causing him to jump and walk out he door quickly. I sigh looking at my mom she probably wants to hear the whole story now.

"Tori, sweetie if you don't want to tell me you not have to, being eighteen can be tough, whenever you're ready come to me I'm always here." My mum says smiling. "Thanks mom." I hug her. She walks away I hear her footsteps fainting away. I grab Luke's hand and walk into the bathroom upstairs. I grab the first aid kit. I look at his knuckle brushing my fingers over them.

"You're so stupid, wonderfully stupid. Thank you." I smile at him pouring alcohol onto the cotton wool to clean his cuts. "I'm sorry." He says looking up at me. "It's okay but why would Josh come back here?." I ask not really expecting an answer. Luke shrugs I finish cleaning his knuckles, lip and I give him a new shirt. When he comes and sleep over he always leaves one here.

"Thanks brunette." Luke says sitting at my messy desk. "No problem." I smile. "I clearly won that fight didn't I," I glare at him. "Kidding" he says quickly. My phone buzzes and I get a text from Josh.

Josh 🏀: can we talk ?

"Who was that?" Luke asks staring into my eyes. "No one." I put on a fake smile and delete the text along with his number.

From now on I have chosen to kick Joshua Fletcher out of my life.

* * * * * *

Hi guys omg my italics work yaaaay! Ok this chapter was intense and deep (kind of). So Luke and Josh got in a fight. Evan asked Tori out and school for them in staring in the next chapter for Tori and the 'gang' idek. New characters are going to be introduced soon I can not wait. There are going to be sad moment coming up soon so brace yourself, it's gonna be emotional. (Where's that from again?) oh, and thank you for 200 reads you guys are the best ❤️. FYI, for future chapters Tina is around her mid 70's. Just saying. Sorry this is short, I needed to end it here. Sorry again

QOTC: Favourite Disney princess?
My answer: I love all of them but Im gonna have to go modern and say Anna from 'Frozen." Gosh I love that girl. So outrageous.

Comment, Vote and follow. See you all in the next chapter. Byeeeeeeeee.


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