Chapter Eighteen - Halfway Lines and Disapointing Parents

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"I'm coming over," I say to Josh over the phone, "I'm giving you your present."

"You can't," Josh says hastily, "I'll come over to yours."

"Josh I think it's time I meet your parents don't you think?" I ask sitting on my bed cross-legged.

"I don't want them to hurt your feelings," Josh's whispers. I hear rattling in the background and a door being slammed.

"You better not be coming over, if you do I'm not opening the door for you," I say strictly. I hear Josh sigh through the phone.

"Fine," he gives in, "Come over."

"Yes, I'll be over in about thirty minutes," I say.

* * * * *

I press the door bell in front of Josh's massive house. I've never been here and his house is a bit bigger than Valerie's. A guy who looks in his fifties answers the door. He had a fancy vest on and a tie on top of that.

"Hey there, I'm here for Joshua," I say, nervously fumbling with my fingers.

"One minute," the guy says I can sense his British accent. He disappears into the mansion, in about two minutes he brings a brown leather book and flicks through it.

"Oh yes, Miss Victoria Dawson?" The guy says, raising a grey eyebrow.

"Yeah but please call me Tori," I say with a smile, the British man simply smiles back and let's me in.

"You can sit in the sitting room, Miss--I mean Victoria," the man says leading me into the luxurious living room. I sit on the black leather couch and take in the huge sitting room. The couches are black and so is the wooden floor beneath me it doesn't look like a sitting room, there are no pictures or colour just black decor.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name," I say to the man before he leaves. The guy looks down at the floor and back up at me again. He furrows his eyebrows.

"You want to know my name?" He questions.

"Yeah, I mean I am going to be here often, I'm Josh's girlfriend," I say looking at the man smiling.

"I'm Walter the Fletcher's butler," he introduces. Just on time Josh comes into the sitting room.

"Hey Walt," Josh says casually plopping on the couch beside me.

"Hey Josh, your girlfriend is lovely, better than the one you brought last time," Walter says. And I blush at his compliment Josh puts an arm around me and kisses my cheek.

"She's amazing," Josh says and blush more. Walter leaves the room leaving Josh and I alone.

"So. . .where's my present?" Josh asks looking around. I bring out a box and some tickets.

"Here," I say handing him the box he pulls out an iPod shuffle and some tickets to a basketball match in LA.

"Tori, I can't take this," my boyfriend says handing the presents back to me.

I roll my eyes at him, "What do you expect me to do, take it back to the shop?"

Josh chuckles softly gazing down at the present then looking up at me again, "Thanks, but what's the iPod for?" He asks.

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