Chapter Eight - First Impressions and Unsure Feelings

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Chapter Eight

When we finished dinner Luke payed and we decided to go to the beach and watch the waves. We went to sit on a pile of rocks while watching the full moon controlling the tides and talking about anything that came on our minds really.

"What collage are y'all planning to go to?" Kate asks, holding Luke's hand.

"Hmm I'm not really sure yet, but I'm thing NYU." I tell her. I want to explore I've lived in California for fourteen years.

"Stanford," Josh answers shortly, "it's closer to home."

"I'm not really sure at all, I'm an in-the-moment type of person." Luke explains himself to his soon to be girlfriend - he's asking her tonight!

"Let's play truth without the dare." I suggest the rest agree with me.

"Ok I'll start," Luke begins "Josh, is it true you've dated ten girl throughout your life?

"No it's not." Josh answers, embarrassed for some reason.

"How many then?" I ask, it came out more sharply than I intended that too. Oops?

"Actually two, Jessica and Nicole Thomson." Jessica and Nicole were twins, but not identical. They bullied me as well back then. They don't do it anymore I guess they're more mature.

"Wow your some play-," I cut her off before an incident like before happens again with the beer. "PlayStation!" I exclaim Luke looks at me like I have two heads so does Kate.

"PlayStation?" Josh asks confused. "Yes Kate was going to say your some PlayStation champion, right Kate?" I beckon her to say yes, "yeah I was going to say PlayStation champion." She slowly says.

I hear Luke whispering I'll tell you later to Kate who is obviously confused.

"Ok I'll go next," Josh says, "Tori, what was your first impression of me?"

"Well at first I thought you were kinda cute, I'm not going to lie I had a small crush on you. Key word; Had. I thought you were a jerk - well you still are, Josh glares at me and I shrug my shoulders continuing. "That's it really." Kate laughs and cuddles in Luke's chest - cute.

* * * * * *

"Josh and I are taking the stairs you two, Kate and Luke can take the elevator to have some privacy, let's go." I say pulling Josh's arm, he rolls his eyes and follows me.

"Why did you do that?!" He screams at me as we are starting to climb.

"Because, Luke is asking Kate to be his girlfriend tonight." I smile widely.

"You really want him to be happy huh?"

"Yeah, he's done a lot in the past I owe him one." I answer as we climb the stairs.

"You're cute." He says quietly but I heard and I blush.

"But back then you called me fat, ugly, worthless." I bite my bottom lip hard remembering the horrible horrible memories.

"And I didn't mean any of it." Josh says as we reach the top of the stairs.

"Why did you do it then?" I ask softly.

"I would've lost my place on the basketball team the jocks threaten me I'm captain my, team is depending on me. My dad is harsh on me I have to be the best basketball player, he says."

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