Chapter Fifteen - Reality and Debating

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Chapter Fifteen 

"Whoo, go yes!" I exclaim, punching the sky with my fist.

"Tori sweetheart, calm down," Luke says putting a hand on a shoulder to sit down.

"But Luke we are dominating this team," I say pouting.

"I know but calm down," Luke says staring at me directly in the eyes.

"Leave her alone her boyfriends playing," Valerie teases.

I blush, "he's not my boyfriend plus the school would forbid it," I say crossing my arms.

"Sure," Valerie and Luke say sarcastically.

The game is now finished and we won. Everyone in our school comes down carrying Josh in the air, I am proud of him I just stand there smiling at him, he doesn't see me but who cares?

"Let's go I have a ton of homework to catch up on," I say pulling Valerie and Luke out of the gym, leaving the cheering crowd to cheer.

"That was nice, see you tomorrow Tori," Luke says side-hugging me.

"See ya, let's go Val," I say and she opens the car, I get in and all of a sudden I see Josh running towards me.

"Tori," he calls out I quickly get out of the car.

"You should be in there celebrating," I say pointing to the direction of the double doors that lead into the school.

"I. . .I needed to see you," he breathes out and I swear my heart just melted. "I wouldn't have won this without you, so thanks," he says looking down at the concrete floor.

"Oh Josh," I hug him tightly "You're welcome your father must be proud," I say smiling pulling away.

"I guess, theres probably something I did wrong, there always is," he mumbles.

"Well if he can't see you tried your best just remember I did," I grin and he smiles back running a hand through his hair.

"I'm going to visit my granny tomorrow," Josh says and I widen my eyes.

"You can't." I say quite loudly and Valerie knocks on the window, signalling me to hurry up, I ignore her, nevertheless and continue.

Josh raises and eyebrow, "last time I checked she was my grandma."

"I know but. . .she needs her space," I defend. Josh can't know about Tina having cancer he seriously can't.

"I'm visiting her Tori and you, my dear, can't stop me," Josh says jogging back into the school. I huff and get into Valerie's car slamming the door.

"Don't break my car I had to work for that and talk to people and you know I'm not very good at that," Valerie says putting her phone away starting the car. I roll my eyes and put on my seatbelt.

"So. . . What were you and Romeo talking about?" Valerie asks her eyes on the road.

"He's going to visit grandmother that has cancer tomorrow and the worst part is he doesn't even know she has it," I say banging my head in the window.

"Oh you've gotten yourself in a pickle," Valerie chuckles.

"Shut up," I whine.

"Okay okay."

* * * * *

Just as I was about to go to bed the doorbell rings at eleven in the night I open the door to see a very angry Josh.

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