Chapter Ten - Love and Returning

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"There." I finish packing my last t-shirt into my purple suitcase.

"Hey Tor!" Josh exclaims from the kitchen, "what!?" I shout back.

What is he doing in the kitchen anyway?

"Can you help me zip my suitcase?" 

"Magic word?" I tease.

"Please, just back my suitcase or we are going to be late." Josh exclaims, now walking into our room.

"I'm just teasing." I go over to his blue suitcase and zip it.

"You have your toothbrush?" I ask him.

"No, I decided to donate it to the hotel because they were running out of toothbrushes." Josh answers, sarcasm dripping from his voice. I roll my eyes propping my suitcase up, pressing the button pulling the handle up, before wheeling it at the door.

"I'm going to check on Luke," I shout to Josh. He shouts a yeah and I knock on Luke's room. He doesn't answer which is odd. After what felt like a minute of knocking he finally answered. His head was drooped low. I hear sniffling--he's crying.

Of course his crying he's not just sniffling for fun is he? My subconscious tells me. I ignored it and hugged him.

"I'm going to miss her so much, she's not just any girl she's special. I've never felt this way about anyone this before...Tori, what's this feeling?" Luke looks at me desperate for help.

I exhale before answering, "I think it's love, you love her."

I pull away from Luke, lifting up his chin looking into his blue eyes that showed sadness. "Tell her how you feel." I whisper "we still have another thirty minutes, Luke go down and tell her how you feel."

* * * * * *

Luke's POV

"Luke go down and tell her how you feel." My best friend tells me. I kiss her check before finding Kate's room. I knock and she answers as soon as she does I press my lips to hers. She's startled but kisses me back. I pull away.

"What was that for?" She asks here eyes lighting up.

"I-i know you might think I'm crazy but Kate Harper I-i love you." I say feeling like the world is off my shoulders.

Kate looks at me trying to read my eyes. She's very shocked with what I've said by the looks of things.

"D-do you love me too?" I stammer.

"Luke, you're a great guy and I really really like you but I'm not sure it's love. I-I'm not at that stage yet we just met." Kate explains I look down then look back up again. "Then I am willing to wait, I'll wait forever, when you're ready call me I'm just a phone call away." I smile at my girlfriend.

"I am going to miss you. I'll text you when I get back okay?" I hold her hands in my large one.

"Okay." She says wiping a tear, sadly chuckling.

"Hey, hey don't cry you'll do fine without me and I promise I'll visit, remember we are timeless." I say before pressing my lips onto hers.

* * * * * *

Tori's POV

"Where's your friend Tori he should be here by now, we'll miss the plane if he doesn't hurry his a-"

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