Chapter Thirteen - Character and Opposites

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Chapter Thirteen

"Ok, which one should I wear?" I ask Kate, I'm facetiming her for my first day of school look. I want to look different this year but not too different.

"The one on the right." Kate points, yawning in the process.

"Yeah I like that one too," I say staring at the grey jumper and blue high-waisted jeans and my brown combat boots. "Anyway see ya." I say waving at the screen.

"Bye." She says hanging up.

I wash my hair, before straightening it. I brush my teeth and put on my glasses. I change into the outfit I picked out, grab my textbooks and put them in my school bag. I go down the stairs seeing my mom making breakfast.

"Morning mom." I kiss her cheek, dumping my bag on the tiled floor.

"Hey, darling," she replies, "I made pancakes." She says.

"Thanks Mom." I exclaim grabbing a plate taking three pancakes. I put syrup on them before quickly eating them.

"Easy there tiger." My mom laughs.

"Sorry," I say pieces of pancake falling from my mouth.

"Bye mom." I yell from my door. The first day of senior year here I come. I get in my Chubbs and drive to school I park outside the school not too close since those are reserved for the popular people. I walk into school, I see Luke talking to one of his friends that were in his art class. I've seen him last year but avoided him. Why? Well because I don't fit in with them at all. I shyly walk up to the both of them.

"Hey chic." A guy says he has brown hair slicked back, blue eyes and dresses like a bad boy.

"Leave her alone Alex." Luke says putting his arm around me.

"Tori, I picked up a schedule for you, we have some classes together." Luke explains pulling out a schedule from his backpack.

"So Tori's the girls name." Alex says winking at me causing me to blush.

"Don't mind Alex, he flirts a lot but is an amazing artist." Luke whispers in my ear causing me to smile a bit.

"Woah, hot girl at three o'clock catch ya later Tori and Luke." He walks off.

We both laugh and go to my assigned locker. I do my combination and dump my books in.

"What's you first class?" Luke asks.

"Literature." I reply looking at my timetable.


"Maths." Luke groans. Luke hates maths. He's good at it but hates it. The bell rings.

"See you at lunch." Luke says, I nod and set off to literature at room 181.

* * * * *

Josh is in my literature class so is Nicole and the worse part is that I have literature three times a week.

"Ok class." Mrs. Woods says, our literature teacher for this year. "I am going to put you in assigned seats according to the role." The class groans including me. "Okay so" "Jessica Adams. . .Andrew Brown. . .Victoria Dawson. . .Joshua Fletcher."

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