| 29 | Keziah's outrage

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"Wow! It's so huge!" Heidi exclaimed, looking at the mansion. "And you live here? Lucky!"

"Just wait till you see the inside." Dapha smiled, opening the large front door. Heidi ran into the mansion and squeeled at everything she saw. Dapha turned to Ivory and asked. "Have you explained to Valeth about Valetha?"

"Not yet, I'll look for him and tell him now." Ivory said, running away.

"Heidi!" Dapha called out, running to her friend.

"Dapha, have you seen a painting this cool before?" She asked staring at the large painting on the wall. In the middle of the painting had a person who stood with their arms stretched high into the sky. Their eyes are closed, and their facial expression is one of intense concentration. They seem to be reaching out, as if they could touch the heavens themselves.
"And it's so big, how did they get it inside?"

"Maybe the painter, painted it inside." Dapha guessed. "But we're getting side tracked here, that's not what I came to talk to you about."

"Oh it wasn't? Then what happened." Heidi asked turning to facing Dapha. "Don't tell me you're in big trouble and only I can save the day!?" She gasped.

"You're not too far off actually." Dapha said leading Heidi to some couches. "But basically, you know Raine and Aurelia right?"

"Sir Raine, and Lady Aurelia, of course I do!"

"Great, so this'll be easy to explain." Dapha smiled.


"Valeth!" Ivory called out. "Where are you, come out!" She shouted. 'Where could he be? He always seems to disappear when we need him but when we don't want him, he shows up.'


Ivory jumped at the sudden door slamming, she quickly turned her head and saw Keziah walking away from the room he just slammed the door to.

'Why is he so mad? Doesn't he know Aurelia is coming tomorrow?' She thought to herself watching the boy in confusion.

When he finally lifted his head he made eye contact with Ivory and clenched his teeth even tighter. "It's your fault isn't it." He growled.

"Me?" She asked pointing to herself. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Liar!" He shouted, making Ivory jump again. "You told him not to train me, I know he's your personal guard, so his orders come from you."

"No, that's not true." She mumbled, fear evident in her voice. Keziah began to walk to Ivory and in respond she took steps back in attempt to get away from the boy until she bumped into a wall behind her. "Just calm down," She said softly putting her hands out in defense. "If you maybe explain-"

"I said no!" He shouted again this time slamming his hand on the wall behind her. "You want Dapha all to yourself, you want her disappointed in me don't you!"

'After she hears about this she'll be way more than just disappointed.' Ivory thought to herself. "I can't control what Zaire does, I told him to teach you with his own methods."

Keziah glared at Ivory, his face growing even more red in anger and he swung his arm back. "So it is your fault!" He shouted before swinging his arm forwards, but before he was able to hit Ivory something smacked his hand away.

It was Valeth, he quickly stepped in between Ivory and Keziah and pushed him back. "I knew you were just a little kid but now you're really proving it. Don't you know you should never hit a girl? Obviously not, guess your mother wasn't around long enough to teach you."

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