Chapter 14

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It's been two weeks since i left my home, and have been staying with Miss.Harding, nothing has happened between the two of us since that night in the club, the second night that i slept here she stayed with me again, and held my hand just like the night before, i found comfort in her presence, on the third night i wanted to ask her again, but i knew that i shouldn't, i knew it was wrong what we were doing, i know that she is my teacher, and i shouldn't have these feelings for her, but i do. 

I've decided today that i cannot stay here no more, it is not safe for Lacey, if someone finds out then she will lose her job and possibly get sent to jail, even if we haven't done anything wrong, she has been so generous and kind to me, so i really don't want to see that happen to her, i've spoken to Trisha and she said i can stay with her for two weeks why i try and find a job and somewhere to live. 

I don't know what i am going to do if i can't find those two things in the time limit, i already have money saved, i used to take it out of my dads bank and place it into my own just in case something like this ever happened, but it won't last me long, by the time i've payed a few months rent and have to buy my shopping, i will run out of money within 4 months maximum, so i need to find a job, and fast. 

I placed my last piece of clothing into my bag and carry it downstairs placing it at the bottom of the stairs, Lacey walked out of the kitchen and glanced at my bag and then looked at me in confusion. 

"What's going on?" She asked me her eyes looking over the top of her glasses. 

"I am going to stay at Trisha's, thank you so much for your hospitality and for taking me in and looking after me but i can't keep doing it to you, it's not fair and if someone finds out then you could lose your job, and after everything that you have done for me, i don't want to see that happen to you, so Trisha has allowed me to stay in her home for two weeks" I told her all at once not feeling the need to prolong it. 

Lacey just stared at me in shock and then in confusion, and then finally acceptance and understanding. 

"What about after the two weeks?" She questioned. 

"I've been looking for a job and an apartment, hopefully i can get myself sorted in that time and live on my own" I sighed. 

"You're still a minor" Lacey stated. 

"I won't be in two days" I told her. 

"Wait what?" Lacey looked at me in shock. 

"It's my 18th in two days" I told her. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lacey asked. 

"It's not a big deal" I shrugged. 

"Of course it is, you're 18 you'll be legal" Lacey smiled. 

"Wahoo i'll be able to do the shit that i already do" I rolled my eyes. 

"Language" Lacey scolded me. 

"Yes miss" I smirked and watched a blush creep onto her cheeks. 

"Can i give you a ride to Trisha's?" Lacey cleared her throat. 

"No it's okay Trisha is picking me up" I smiled. 

"Oh okay, would you like something to eat before you leave?" She asked. 

"I'm fine Miss.Harding honestly" I smiled. 

"Would you please not call me that in my home" Lacey bit her lip looking down at the ground. 

"Why not Miss.Harding?" I asked. 

"Because i said so" Lacey cleared her throat looking everywhere but at me. 

Emma Daniels (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now