Chapter 18

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I look up from my book as I hear a knock on my front door, i placed the mark in my book setting it down on the sofa beside me, i stand and make my way out into the hall and open up my door revealing Emma standing there with her arms wrapped around her body trying to protect herself from the cold, i quickly pulled her inside, closing the door behind her to allow the heat to swarm around her body.

"Hey where's Aaron?" I asked as she began stripping out of her coat.

"His booked to stay in a hotel" Emma told me as she hung up her coat.

"He could have stayed here, i wouldn't have had a problem with that" I tell her honestly.

"No but i would have" Emma turned smiling at me and began taking her shoes off.

"How comes?" I questioned curious.

"Because" She smiled walking closer to me once her shoes have been removed.

"I wouldn't be able to do this"

Emma took me completely off guard as she pressed her lips to my own, her cold nimble fingers slipping beneath my shirt as she gripped my hips pulling me closer to her.

Her cold fingers against my warm skin causing goosebumps and a shiver to travel through me.

She pulled away with a smile on her face as she stared at me, and i couldn't help but smile back, she did have a point, we wouldn't be able to do that around him.

"Fair enough" I nodded letting out a breath.

"I'm going to go up and change, did you pick up my things from Trisha's?" Emma asked.

"Yeah they're in the guest room" I smiled.

"Thank you" She pressed her lips to mine once more and i sunk into her wrapping my arms around her neck not wanting it to end.

Her lips left mine once more and i fought back a pout as she let me go and made her way upstairs.

I return to the living room sitting back in my spot and picking up my book, but now my thoughts were far too distracting to continue.

It's crazy how she can turn me into a clingy love sick teenager, it's not healthy and i need to learn to control myself when i am around her, but i have no idea how that is going to play out seeing as she is going to be staying with me for awhile.

Just as i was getting back into my book Emma came down and sat beside me placing her head on my shoulder, the smell of her shampoo distracting me once more, i placed the mark back into my book and closed it.

"You don't have to stop on my account" Emma says lifting her head to look at me.

"I do" I nodded and she stared at me in confusion.

"Why?" She questions.

"I can't concentrate when we are in such close proximity" I told her honestly and watched as a blush creeped onto her cheeks.

"Well" Emma cleared her throat "I'm sorry?" She offered and i chuckled lightly.

"Don't be" I spoke softly leaning in closer to her, missing her lips already though we only kissed minutes ago.

Emma smiled softly into the kiss, her hand reaching up to carress my face softly leaning further into the kiss, it was such a simply gesture, but it made me feel like i was floating on cloud nine.

Our lips seperated as our foreheads connected, her eyes flickered up to meet my own and i smiled softly.

"I could definitely get used to this" She smiled.

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