chapter 11

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i laid in Miss.Hardings guest bedroom just starring up at the ceiling in the darkness waiting for the sleep to take over, but i can't stop thinking about the events that had happened earlier on today


I picked my plate up from the counter and walked over to the kitchen sink to rinse off my plate and place it on the draining board, when I heard the front door click close and footsteps walking towards me.

I could tell by the click of the shoes on the hard wooden floor that it was him.

The man who is supposedly my biological father.

"Emma" he called in his prim and proper tone, a shiver instantly travelling down my spine, causing goosebumps to settle on my skin.

I never responded to his call, I almost never do.

"There you are" he smiled as he walked into the kitchen and spotted me, he approach and pressed his lips to my forehead, the stubble from his chin scratching my face.

I backed away from him and wrapped my hands around the counter behind me, trying to keep as much distance between us as I possibly could.

"What are you doing here?" I braved questioning him, a look of confusion flashing across his face.

"I live here, where else would I be?" He returned.

"The same place you have been for the past 8 months" I told him.

"Is that hostility I hear in your tone?" He barked, I watch as his face contorted as he heard the tone of his voice and he tried to relax himself again.

That didn't take long did it, he has been in the house two minutes and he is already losing his temper, I have to give it to him though, I'm surprised he has even lasted this long.

"Where have you been?" I questioned slowly taken another step away from him, making sure he didn't question my movement.

"I got engaged" he told me with a smile gracing his lips.

But it's not the sort of smile that makes you want to smile back, it's the sort of smile that makes your skin crawl and want to get the hell out of there.

I wanted to be surprised i honestly did, if a parent had told any other child that then they would probably freak out and throw a huge tantrum, now i could do that, but i knew what the outcome would be if i did.

"Are you not going to say anything Emma?" He questioned, his tongue prodding the inside of his cheek.

"Good for you?" I questioned more than stated.

It happened before i even saw it coming, it wasn't until after his fist collided with my face that i realised what had happened.
It came again and again to the point where I was cowering down in the corner.
I turned my face to look at him and watched as he held his fists at his side and clear his throat.

"I guess somethings never change" i whispered and darted out of the house.

I Sat up in bed knowing i wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight, i heard a door close shut before i made my move of climbing out of bed, i walked over to the door and carefully opened it trying to not make any noise, i made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, i sat myself down on a stool at the island facing towards the kitchen window allowing me to look out into the garden.

Emma Daniels (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now