chapter 28 Final.

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Today is the day.

I am officially graduating high school today, and I find it extremely crazy that Mr Taylor has asked me to give a speech at the ceremony, I haven't really written anything I figured I would just wing it, hopefully I don't make a complete fool of myself.

I stand in the bathroom with curlers in my hand staring at my reflection, Lacey asked me last night if I have thought anymore about going to college, I have don't get me wrong, but I think the only reason I managed to survive staying in high school for the rest of the year was the fact that she was there, School has never been something that I enjoyed, does anyone ever really enjoy it? But it's because of my past school that makes me actually scared of going to school, it's not the school part that bothers me, it's the people in it.

But if I were to go to college what would I study? English literature? That would probably be my major, but I wouldn't be like other college kids, a lot of kids go to college just for the experience, to say they experimented in college, I wouldn't be going for that reason, I've experimented enough to last me a life time, and I am happy in my relationship, so I would not want to jeopardise that.

But I still haven't even decided what I want to do with my life, what do I want to work as? So many people my age have already got their lives together, they know what they want, what job they want, the person they want to be, where as I am just taking every day as it comes, I want to travel, and that is all that is on my mind right now, Maybe I will take a year to myself, try and figure out what I want, because right now, all I want is to be happy and to live in the moment.

"Emma" Lacey knocks on the bathroom door bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, you can come in" I smile at the fact that she didn't just open the door.

I place the curling iron down and switch it off before brushing my hand through my curls loosening them slightly, Lacey opens the door and stares at me.

"Oh wow, you look really good with curly hair" Lacey stands shocked in the door way.

"I don't want to toot my own horn but beep beep" I wink.

Lacey chuckles and shakes her head softly.

"You ready to go?" She smiles.

"Yes I just need to find my shoes"

"They're in the bedroom"

"Oh okay, then yes I am ready" I smile.

I glance at myself one last time in the mirror before following Lacey out of the bathroom.

"I'll wait downstairs for you okay"

"Okay" I nod and make my way into the bedroom.

I find my shoes near the end of the bed and slip my feet into them, I walk over to my graduation gown that is hanging on the wardrobe door and remove it from its hanger before placing the silk fabric on my body, I pick up my cap and walk over to the mirror positiong it on my head.

"I look good" I say out loud to myself and let out a small laugh.

I leave the bedroom and walk downstairs, Lacey is waiting at the bottom with a smile on her face.

"Look at my little student" She grins up at me.

"Shut up" I roll my eyes.

"Come on, we've got to go" Lacey smiles and picks up her handbag.

I follow her out of the house and into the car, my heart rate picking up in my chest and my stomach twisting in knots, I can't believe I am actually about to graduate.

Emma Daniels (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now