Chapter 25

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I bend down throwing the laundry on the bathroom floor into the basket and standing up hunching the basket onto my side, I leave the bathroom and carry it downstairs into the kitchen it placing it on the counter as my phone rings.

I fish it out of my pocket seeing Trish's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey bitch" I grin answering the phone.

"Hey, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" She says down the phone.

"I know it has been awhile hasn't it, maybe we should go out tonight and have a drink" I suggest.

"I wish I could, but studying for these exams is literally destroying my life"

"Tell me about it, I was up until 3am last night studying, I feel like a zombie right now" I rest the phone between my ear and shoulder and pick up the basket dropping it by the washing machine.

"Well let's hope and pray that we actually pass and graduate" Trish chuckles down the phone.

"Yeah hopefully, I wish we were graduating together though" I sigh softly, I miss seeing my friend every day and bitching about the other school kids.

"I know, I miss having you around, school is so boring without you"

"Believe me I feel the same"

"What so you haven't replaced me yet?"

"As if anyone could replace you boo" I smile down the phone as I sort through the washing.

"Who you talking to?" Lacey's asks causing me to jump.

"Jeez you scared me, and Trish" I smile.

"Whose that?" Trisha asks curious.

"Someone" I reply not giving anything away.

"Tell me" She pushes and I chuckle.

"It's my girlfriend" I tell her honestly looking up at Lacey, her eyes go wide at first before a blush creeps onto her cheeks.

"WHAT?" Trish shouts down the phone causing me to quickly pull it away.

"Emma got wifed up" I can only imagine the look on Trisha's face right now, she is probably smirking like a goon.

"Girlfriend not wife" I roll my eyes.

"Oh same thing boo, so when do I get to meet the unlucky lady" Trish asks.

"Who says you will ever get the chance to meet her?" I question with a chuckle.

"Bitch please I am going to me maid of honour at your wedding" In my head I can see Trisha's no nonsense face, snapping her fingers as if she's boss.

"Okay easy no one said anything about a wedding" I shake my head and hear Lacey choke on her drink behind me.

"Do you love her?" Trish asks as I load the white wash into the machine.

"Yeah I do" I smile standing up and putting the powder and comforter in and started the machine.

"Is it serious?" She asks.

"I'd like to think so" I nod glancing over at Lacey who is watching me with interest.

"Have you thought about marrying her?" Trish asks.

I don't know have I? I mean I want to get married one day right? But have I thought about marrying Lacey? Can I see myself with her in 10 years time? Yeah I probably could.

Emma Daniels (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now