Chapter 13.

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I left the school building and walked towards my car assuming that Emma would be there waiting for me, i was right when i saw her laying across my bonnet with earphones in starring up at the sky, i studied her for a moment, the make up she was wearing is slowly starting to fade and you can just see the outline of the bruise peeping through, she looks so young in this moment, so at peace with the world, if only people could really see what was flying around inside that head of hers.

It was only now that Emma had noticed i was standing there starring at her, she glanced at my face before sitting up and sliding off of my bonnet.

"You're more than welcome to lay there for the rest of the evening" I smiled as she removed her earphones.

"I'd rather just get it over with" Emma shrugged.

"Fair enough" I nodded and unlocked my car, the pair of us both climbing in.

I quickly turned engine on and turned the heating all the way up to try and block out the cold air, i glanced over at Emma who had her head resting on the window before packing out of the parking space and pulling out of the school.

The car ride was driven in silence, no talking, no music, just complete and utter silence, it didn't bother me though, i often welcome it.

I slowly pulled up on the curb outside of her house and actually saw a car parked in her driveway, i instantly felt anxious for the young girl sitting beside me, i didn't want her to have to go through with this, i wouldn't wish this life upon anyone.

"Thank you for the ride, and for allowing me to stay in your house last night, i appreciate it" She nodded softly.

"Of course, would you like me to come in with you? maybe he won't do anything if i come in" I offer.

"No it's okay, i need to do this alone, thank you though" Emma gave me a small smile.

"I can wait out here for a little while just incase" I offered again, the truth is i was reluctant to let her leave this car and go into that house alone not knowing what was going to happen to her.

"You can go, i'll be fine you don't have to worry about me" Emma smiled and removed her seatbeat.

"I might not have to, but i do" I told her sincerely.

Emma didn't know what to make of that, she just glanced down at the floor and nodded her head so slightly i'm surprised that i even noticed it.

She never uttered another word to me, she just climbed out of my car and made her way up her drive, she hesitated at the door before putting her key in the lock and entering the house.

I know that she told me i could leave and that she would be fine, but i still remained parked outside her house, not wanting to leave incase anything happens, incase she needs me, even if it's a ride to Trisha's i would like to do that for her, i don't want her to be alone.

I know it's wrong of me because i am her teacher, but i am not trying to be anything more to the girl than her friend, i just want to make sure that she is safe, a teacher should make sure all of her students are safe, and i will start with Emma.

I'm not sure how long had gone by when i heard a door slam shut, i looked up and saw Emma running down her driveway, realising i was still here sitting in my car she pulled the passenger door open and flew in slamming the door behind her and throwing her bag in the backseat.

"Drive please quick drive" Emma shook in the seat behind me, tears streaming down her face, new markings evident on her skin.

I quickly put the car in drive and sped off down the road knowing not to ask questions.

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