Chapter 15

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Monday morning, i am going to see Emma again today, for some reason this puts me at ease.

It's strange that the time that she was here i didn't once dream about my father, but as soon as she left my nightmares came back to me all over again, and now his face is once again etched in brain, normally after a nightmare about my father i am a complete mess and it's hard for me to function throughout the day, but i am going to see Emma and that instantly makes me feel better.

I should be worried that she makes me feel this way, i am not allowed to feel anything towards her, but i cannot control my heart.

I apply a small amount of make up to my fair skin, I want to look nice, to look good, it has only been two days since i have seen Emma, and I am finding myself needing to look good for her.

I sigh as i place my mascara down on my dressing table, i honestly don't know how much longer i can go without something happening between us, my feelings have been getting stronger every single day, my heart is starting to win over my head.

I pulled my shoes onto my feet before making my way downstairs, i picked up my bag, keys and phone from the table in the hallway, i checked myself in the mirror one last time before heading outside into the cold morning air, i locked up my house before quickly making my way to my car, getting in as quick as possible to escape the cold.

As i climbed in my car i was instantly hit with the smell of Emma, i have been driving her to school everyday for the past two weeks, so now her smell just lingers, i miss not having her in the seat beside me, but i guess it's something i am going to have to deal with, we need to put some distance between us both, even if it's the last thing that i want.

I placed the key in the ignition and started to engine, turning the heating on full blast, setting the radio to play soft music.

I pulled out of my drive and onto the road, driving just over the speed limit to get to school as quick as possible, i don't know why i feel the need to get there early, i highly doubt that Emma will be there waiting for me, but a girl can hope right?

I pulled up outside of the school with 30 minutes until registration, i climbed out of my car making my way up the school steps, the few students who are normally waiting outside are nowhere to be seen, maybe they made their way inside, because it is far too cold to be standing out here.

I opened the school door and let the silence surround me as i walked down the hallways towards my classroom.

I entered my classroom walking over to my desk placing my handbag down on the floor underneath, i turned to face the front as i stood up and jumped backwards placing my hand over my chest as i saw Emma sitting on one of the desks in the front row.

"You scared the crap out of me, what are you doing here?" I whisper screamed at her, she stared at me with an amused expression on her face.

"Well Trisha had to get me here and then head off to her school, so i got dropped a little bit too early, and i weren't going to stay out in the cold now was i" Emma smiled.

"So why my classroom?" I questioned with an arched brow.

"Why not?" She smirked hopping off of the desk walking around my own so she was standing within a few feet from me.

"I thought we agreed friday night that we shouldn't do this" My voice was slightly shaking, i could feel my heart rate picking up the closer she got to me.

"We're not doing anything Miss Harding" Emma cocked her head to one side as she took another step closer to me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I whispered biting my lip.

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