Chapter 23

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I lean against the brick wall outside of the school next to the stairs waiting patiently for Lacey to finish up what she had to do, I wasn't the only person hanging around so it's not exactly easy for me to distinguish who is Lacey's stalker. 

I don't really understand why people wait around after school, Most teenagers would be out like a shot grateful to be going home, but there are at least 50 people mingling around outside of the school, a few are alone doing nothing but starring at their phones, but others are in groups of six of seven just talking with their friends, surely there's better places to do that than the school parking lot? 

But who am I to judge? I was the same at my old school, didn't want to go home to an empty house or the hand of my father, but at this school I couldn't wait to leave, because it meant I could spend more time alone with Lacey. 

Jeez I am a little bit obsessed with her, but I love the way she makes me feel when I am around her, I love the person that I am, Besides I'm allowed to be obsessed with her, she loves me. 

I grin as I remember her saying those words, It's honestly such an amazing feeling to love and be loved.

I look up as I hear the door open above me and see Lacey walking down the steps, It's as if she knew where I was and glanced down at me, I smile and give her a small wave, she returns my smile and nods at me. 

I want nothing more than to follow her to her and climb in with her, being able to sit beside her and feel her warmth, It's only been a day and I miss riding with her, going home with her, cuddling with her, I am seriously way too addicted to this woman. 

I watch as a car pulls out of the parking lot followed by two others, and literally seconds later all of the students disperse from the carpark and make their way off school grounds, was this planned or something? Why would everyone leave at the same time? Something seriously isn't right here, or it is just a really odd coincedence. 

I walk out of the school and pass the bus stop where majority of the students have stopped and are talking to themselves, but there are a few walking ahead of me, would it be one of them? Or all of them? Is this person driving? Will I be too late? Too late for what? Why am I thinking as if she is going to get murdered. 

Oh god Emma you really need to get out of your head. 

I pull my earphones out and place them in, scrolling through my playlists before finding the one I want, listening to music will help clear my mind and hopefully get me there a lot quicker than I normally would, I am tired of being in the dark, I need to find out who it is. 

I keep checking my phone every few seconds just to see how my progress is going, how long it has been since I have left the school, how long it will roughly take me to get onto her road, and then to her home, what am I going to do if I see the person? Run and tackle them? What if they're not even there? They could be waiting until it is dark outside, but the two photos that we have seen had both been taking in daylight, at least that's how it looked. 

Hopefully this person doesn't leave me hanging around all night long, we may be close to spring but it is still winter in my head, and it is way to cold to be playing stake out without a car. 

I finally turn onto the road Lacey lives on and pull out my earphones, I need all of my senses on high alert, I'm not entirely sure why, I just feel like I do. 

I stay on the opposite side of the road and walk slowly but casually trying to not look too suspicious, A neighbour smiles at me and I return it, She smiles everytime she sees me, I guess she has gotten used to seeing my face. 

Emma Daniels (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now