Chapter 9

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"Lyssa" i whispered.

"it's been awhile, you look good" My ex smiled at me.

"Yeah, you too" i nodded.

I was shocked to see her to say the least, she moved away nearly 3 years ago, what the hell is she doing back in town?

"So how have you been?" She asked trying to keep up the conversation, as if it wasn't completely awkward.

"I'm doing alright, living the life of a teacher and yourself?" I only asked to be polite, if I had it my way I would have ended the conversation as soon as it started, actually I wouldn't have even allowed it to start.

"Actually i'm engaged" she smiled lifting her hand to reveal the ring.

"oh wow that's.. great" i forced a smile.

Now don't get me wrong i am happy for her, but the girl that was once the love of your life bumps into you and tells you that she is engaged, well it cracks your heart a little bit.

"yeah i am so happy, i haven't been this happy in a long time"

"well i am glad to hear it, so when's the big day?" i asked.

"July 23rd" A Male voice approached snaking his arm around her waist, as i looked up to meet his gaze.

i was so shocked, she's marrying a man? she was a full blown Lesbian 6 years ago, what the hell happened?

"Summer wedding, very nice" i smiled.

"yeah well we better get going, plans to make, people to see, it was really nice seeing you though Lacey, maybe we can go for drinks, have a little catch up" she smiled.

"yeah sure" i nodded along and smiled, knowing full well that, that was never going to happen.

i daydreamed walking around the supermarket until i had finished buying what i wanted, i carted my food out to my car and loaded it into the boot, as i turned i saw a pair of hands reaching into my trolley and grabbing a back, i lifted my head and saw Emma standing there with a smile.

"well hello there, what brings you here" i smiled.

"a girls gotta eat" she told me.

"indeed she does" i smiled.

Emma continued to help me load the bags into the boot of my car in silence.

"thankyou for helping me" i smiled at her closing my boot down.

"no problem, but i need to shop, so i'll see you tomorrow Miss.Daniels" Emma smiled and turned to walk away from me.

"Emma" i called after her and she spun around to face me.

"yeah?" she questioned confused as to why i had called her.

"how are you getting home?"

"the same way i always do" she shrugged.

"with your shopping?" i questioned cocking my head to one side.

"it'll only be a few days dinner, and it's a 10 minute walk back home from here"

"i can wait, and give you a ride" i told her.

Emma gave a polite smile and shook her head.

"i'm okay Miss Harding, don't worry about me i'm used to it"

i didn't know how to respond to that, i just stared at her with sympathy, she shouldn't be used to it, when i finally thought of what i wanted to say i realised that she was already gone, and making her way inside the supermarket, guess i'll have to save it for another day.

Emma Daniels (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now