Chapter 7

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I groan loudly as I feel the sun peeping through my curtains and down on my face, i rolled over so my back was to the window and opened my eyes coming face to face with Bailey, i jumped slightly momentarily forgetting that she stayed with me last night. 

i closed my eyes and lifted my hands to my face rubbing at my eyes a sigh escaping my lips. 

"will you stop making so much noise, some of us are trying to sleep" Bailey mumbled beside me picking up a pillow and throwing it at my head. 

i sat up and glared at her knowing full well that she couldn't see me, i just rolled my eyes and stumbled out of bed, my hand shooting up to my forehead as it spun. 

"oh god i'm never drinking again" i said out loud to myself. 

"you say that everytime" Bailey grumbled and rolled over onto her stomach hiding her face amungst the pillows. 

i flipped her off and walked out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen, i made myself a coffee and grabbed two ibroprofen out of the cupboard swallowing them with a mouthful of coffee, i sat down at the island and looked out of my window into the garden as long nights antics flashed through my mind. 

i groaned loudly and smashed my head down on my arm that was resting on the counter top. 

"what did i do?" 

"i don't know, we didn't get far enough for you to tell me" Bailey spoke up and i lifted my head to see her making her own coffee. 

"i'm not talking about it" i told her. 

"like hell you aren't, you're telling me even if i have to beat it out of you" i told her. 

i just shook my head at her and lifted my mug to my lips taking a long sip of my coffee. 

"Lacey" she said with a stern voice and i just avoided her gaze. 

"you know you're going to tell me sooner or later right?" she sat down opposite me and stared me down until i finally met her gaze. 

"i chose later" i forced a smile. 

"why must you always make things so difficult?" Bailey asked me. 

"how do you not have a pounding headache?" i asked her. 

"i can actually handle my drink" she smirked at me and i gave her the middle finger. 

 i stood up from the island with my coffee mug in hand and made my way into the livingroom, i sat down in the armchair and grabbed a blanket wrapping it around my legs, i leaned my head back against the chair and closed my eyes. 

"will you just tell me already i'm tired of this bullshit" Bailey practically shouted walking into the living and sitting on the sofa.

"must you talk so loud" i glared at her. 

"if you tell me i'll whisper" she smiled. 

"how about not talking at all" 

"it's a deal if you tell me" 

"ughhh Emma kissed me in the bathroom okay, happy?" 

"again? she kissed you again.. damn that girl is seriously ballsy" Bailey chuckled. 

"she was intoxicated" i tried to make excuses for her. 

"but she wasn't when it happened in your classroom" she smirked. 

"ugh this is all so confusing" i groaned smashing my head back against the sofa. 

"how so?" Bailey asked her interest peaked. 

Emma Daniels (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now