2. Unappreciated

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I don't own fairy tail sorry the remake of this chapter took so long hope you enjoy!

Updated on: 3/10/19

Yukino PoV

I just got back from a 2 month job. After the games last year we needed to decide on who would be the new master of Sabertooth, going by the old way it should be Sting as he defeated Master Jemina. but the old way is exactly what we're trying to change and there's the fact that  Sting isn't the most mature or focused guild member, nor would he be happy being stuck the a deck all day handling paperwork instead of going on requests with Rogue and their exceeds. The other main candidate is Minerva because she had helped her father with his work before he left so she had a better idea of what she was doing, is still a strong leader, and is probably less likely to get the guild in trouble with the magical council. That being said she is Jemina's daughter and being raised by him Sabertooth's old ways are more ingrained in her than the rest of us. Many question if she is really the one to help us change from the cold, harsh, uncaring guild we were until Fairy Tail showed us a better way. That being said tensions between our two guilds are still there, quite a few Fairies don't forgive us for how we borderline tortured their Nakama during the magical games, or how they were so willing to throw me out just for losing me match. Meanwhile none of us were happy about losing the games especially as String really could have beaten the fairies but instead surrendered. Which is another reason why some are doubting Sting's ability to lead us. Thus why I took such a long job, on top of a chance to get 3 new keys, Caelum the chisel, Sagitta the arrow, and Lepus, the hare, it gave me a chance to get away from the tension in the guild. Which I really needed since even though they welcomed me back and were sorry for kicking me out, the fact that I'm friends with a fairy is not something everyone's happy about. Still it could be a lot worse I remember Lucy telling me how everyone's been so overprotective of her lately and how it's driving her insane. I walk into the guild head held high, just because we're trying to change doesn't mean everyone is kind. "So you're back." Minerva said boredly while she and Rufus looking over some paperwork. I nod and offer a small smile, 'Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?" I walking over to them. Rufus shook his head and asked how my trip was. I start talking to him when Minerva says "I thought you left to get more keys.' i give her a look and hold up the three new keys on my chain and also explain what they are. Sagitta and Caelum are weapon like spirits while Lepus used speed magic and is not half bad at tracking (almost ironic in a way). Minerva rolls her eyes but concedes that I did in fact find new keys. "Shame so many powerful ones belong to that weakling.' She mutters possibly not realizing she said that out loud. "Excuse me, but Lucy is not weak, nor doesn't she own the spirits like you're implying. You may have beaten her during the games but the fact that she got right back up and cheered on her guild proves she's a lot stronger than most of you think." I say harshly, refusing to sit by while she insults my friend. "What did you say?" Minerva asks getting up, but I refuse to back down. "Fairy Tail beat us Minerva, they were the strongest guild 7 years ago for the same reason they are now. Because there's power in the bonds that they share, something that we lack because of your father's messed up ideals. that the weak must go. It;s time you and everyone else saw that!" I say finally getting it off my chest. "What are you saying Yukino, are we Sabertooth not good enough for you? Would you rather join those fairies you're so fond of?" She taunts though the question does have weight. Do I actually want to  join Fairy Tail or am I just not happy here at Sabertooth. Its not like I will be missed all that much nor would I miss a lot of them. I mainly stick to myself or hang with Rufus, or Sting's team. "Maybe I am." I finally say shocking many, as I take off my guild mark. (because Sabertooth doesn't currently have a real master pretend it means Guild members can remove their own marks.) I turn and start walking to the door. "Let me know when you finally decide the new master and then maybe I'll think about coming back." I said boldly leaving this cold guild once again, maybe for good this time. I stop by my home and somewhat awkwardly ask Libra if it's possible to store some of it in the celestial world. I know Virgo can do this for Lucy and I am thankful that Libra says she can arrange that for me but then asks if I knew where I was going. I thought about that for a moment as I walk to the train station. Where was I going? Fairy Tail is obvious an option that's where Lucy is and from her last message it sounds like she could really use a friend right now. But even as make a plan in my head as I walk up to the ticket booth something just doesn't settle right as I look at the route to Magnolia. One of the names of the stops on the way stands out to me for some reason and I almost by a ticket for there instead of Magnolia. I get on the train and shake my head hoping the clear the fog that won't go away. Celestial Falls, huh?

What did you think?
Why Celestial falls?
Find in the next chapter
The Falls

I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
Word count: 1043

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