4. Celestial Princess

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I don't own fairy tail
The pic above is the girl from their dreams outfit.

I decided to explain the name of the Princesses to explain why I chose them It will be in my order of being mentioned it the story.
1st moon princess
2nd sun princess
3rd star princess
Okay here we go.

Tsukiko (the moon princess)
is pronounced
(tsuki) "moon" and (ko) "child"
So the name basically translates to Moon Child

Haruko (the sun princess)
It's pronounced
(Haru) "sun;sunlight" (amongst other things) and (ko) "child"
So it can be translated to
Sun Child

Hoshiko (the star princess)
Is pronounced
(Hoshi) "star" and (ko) "child"
So it translates to
Star Child

Oh and their last name is
Which means 'Heart' or 'Spirit'

Thank you And if you actually read this you are awesome AND patient. Which more then what I am at times!
Enjoy! 😊

Lucy PoV
We hit the water but it didn't hurt much at all. I felt weak and couldn't swim. I felt a small arm wrap around me. 10 seconds later we broke surface. I gasp for air. The small arm tightened its grip on me and dragged me to shore. It then pushed me and Yukino out of the water. I couldn't move at all. Whoever helped us just now, was our only hope. Yukino started to come around. I then saw a blurry person standing over me. They put my head in their lap and poured something in my mouth. It was sweet and tasty but I couldn't tell what it was. They then moved over to Yukino and did the same. I felt so tired and cold. My vision cleared. And I saw my savior for the first time. It was a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She was panting but she got up, and looked for injuries on me and Yokino. She then, somehow managed to get me and Yukino on our feet, but we couldn't help but lean heavily on her. She kept us upright by holding our waists and took us though a beautiful forest that seem to burry together or maybe that's just me starting to pass out. I saw a little cottage. It was wooden with a straw roof. The door was a warm inviting red color. I tried to stay conscious but when we came to the door I blacked out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When I came to, I thought I saw the night sky. Then realized it was just a very well painted ceiling of the night sky. The constellations were connected perfectly and in the right places. I was right below the lion constellation. Loki. I thought to myself. Such a loyal spirit. I faintly smile. "Nice to see you awake." A voice said. I try to locate the source but feel a sharp pain in my neck. "Whoa, easy there tiger, let me help," the voice said. I felt a small hand go under my upper back and another go under my head/neck. Simultaneously, they gently lift and propped me up on soft cushy pillows. I blink a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I wasn't! Beside me was a little girl who couldn't be older than 6 years old. She fed me soup for about 5 minutes. After which I had enough feeling in my hands and arms to do it myself. I heard a small moan. I looked over to my right. Yukino was on a small bed under Libra. She started to come to. The little girl propped Yukino up and fed her some soup. After a few minutes she did it herself. "Hey." I called softly. She looked at me. Clearly relieved that I was here. "You know when I said 'go to the Falls' I didn't mean literally fall into them!" The little girl said, in an almost reprimanding tone but also sounded kind of amused. "I'm sorry, but who are you exactly?" Asked Yukino. The girl had a small amused smile. She gently pushed my bed next to Yukino's. (A/N The beds have wheels and the girl is strong)
She then, handed us a book with a coppery bronze leather cover. I read the title out loud. "The Legend of the Celestial Star Princess, Hoshiko." It was just like ours. And just like ours it also had a picture of Who's Point of view on it. (So it's the same story but it's from different point of views. Ex. Lucy's version is from the sun princess's PoV
And Yukino's is from the moon princess's Pov)
It was a little girl. Maybe 5? 6 years old? She had golden brown hair that was wavy but had a little curl to it. She wore a strapless black sundress with layers and had little roses on it. She also wore a light coral cape that had sequins on it, Cotton candy pink sandles with straps that went around her legs in a crisscross pattern up to her knees, and a copper circlet with a twilight jewel in the center. But the first thing you notice is her eyes, which were chocolate brown with copper flakes. I gasped. The girl from my dream. Yukino picks the book up so I can compare the cover to our little hostess. I gasp again.
They're exactly the same! Right down to the last curl. She chuckles. "Figured out the Constellation, yet?" She asked. "Huh?" We said at the same time. She rolled her eyes. "Connected the dots." She explained. "Oh!" I said now understanding what she said. Then it hit us. Yukino dropped the book. It landed in my lap hard but I didn't notice much. "You're the youngest sister!" I whispered.
(A/N will be explained in a minute)
She nodded and came over to us. "I am Hoshiko Kokoro, the Celestial Star Princess, the youngest of the three Celestial Princesses of Legend and your half-sister." She said with a small shy smile and blushing. I couldn't believe it. Wait a minute! Did she say your meaning she's both me AND Yukino's half-sister. I look a mirror nearby and I recognize the resemblance between the 3 of us. It was uncanny, heart-shaped face, the little dimples we get when we frown; deep-set eye shape. We even have the same nose. The only difference was, hair color and style and complexion. Yukino had creamy peach skin tone, I was more of a peachy ivory and Hoshiko was a creamy beige.
The other difference was our eye colors. Mine was a warm chocolate brown; Yukino was a bright lively copper; and Hoshiko's eyes seemed to be a mix of mine and Yukino's. A warm chocolate brown with bright copper flakes.

5 minutes after "I'm your sister bomb" Yukino finally was able to speak. "But how? both MY parents have been dead for 15 years. Lucy's mom been dead since she was what? 4 or 5 year old; and her dad's been dead for a little more a year." She said clearly trying to make sense of what Hoshiko said. She gently put her hand on Yokino's, who quickly calmed down. "Do you to know what happens to Celestial Wizards when they die?" She asked. We shake our heads. "As you know most Celestial wizard think and treat their spirits like shields or slaves." She pause to make sure we were following. We nod and motion her to continue. "When They, Wizards who treat their spirits poorly, die they become Celestial spirits and then are usually subjected to similar treatment as they inflicted on their spirits." She stopped so we could let it sink in. "So, like every wizard who treats their spirits poorly becomes a spirit?" I ask. She nods. "But for those who treat them with kindness and sees them as equals or even friends in some cases. They and their loved ones have a choice." She says taking a deep breath. "They can either A go where every other souls go, Or B become spirits who can chose to have their key available or not and just live in the Celestial world. And their loved ones can either join them and live there too or move on." She said gently. I thought about this for a moment. My mom was the one who taught me to treat spirits with kindness. So, she defiantly had the choice. The staff always said I was like my mother in appearance and the way I thought and acted. "My mom chose the second one didn't she?" I said. She nodded. "But my dad didn't right?" I asked checking my theory. She sadly nodded. "You father felt as though she betrayed him by dying so he chose to move on." She explained awkwardly. I nodded. "But neither of my parents were Celestial Wizards." Stated Yukino. "You're right. Your mother was not one and neither was your step-father." She said with a small smile tugging at her lips. "Step-father?" Yukino asked like she couldn't believe it. "You're "father" had blue-ish silver hair but like your mother had blue eyes?" Hoshi asked innocently. Yukino looked surprised but nodded. "Your real birth father died, after you turned 4, protecting you, while your mother protected your older sister. Then 2 years later when she died. She chose to move on, believing that he too, betrayed her." She explained as gently as she could. "That's how I'm your sister. Layla Kokoro, is my mother and Daniel Agria is my father. She said. "So our parents live with the other good wizards. I asked. She nervously chuckled. "Funny story there and your gonna laugh. Um, Dad's a celestial beast tamer, and Mom's the Co-ruler of the Celestial World, and you two are royalty?" She said hopefully. Our jaws drop. Then Yukino thought of something. "Wait, if you're the youngest princess and we're you're sisters. Does that mean..." "You guys are the Princesses of the Sun and Moon like in your books?" She finished. Yukino nodded. Hoshiko handed us both a hand mirror and our books. I held the mirror up and compared my face to the cover. It was uncanny and so was Yukino's. We're Celestial princesses?

So now you know who the girl is!
But why did she sent that dream?
And what does she want?
Stay tuned for the next chapter
A New Start

I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
Word count: 1766

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