Hurry while spots last!

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So sorry this is not the chapter y'all wanted but it's important! First off this is dedicated to @darkkitstar the newest person i'm following for 2 reasons #1 as of today October 11, 2016 she's the only new person I've started to follow today and #2 she joined Wattpad on October 1, 2016 meaning she's only been on here for 10 days! She has a cute little story on her page (how I became queen) please check it out and follow her people cuz come on! I know there are thousands of people who read this book and I expect at least 100 of them to follow her before the next 2 or 3 chapters I have planned are ready to be out because otherwise there will be hell to pay! OK! Now the other day she send me the cutest little OC! Which I've been asking for since chapter 6 MAYDAY MAYDAY now I don't know if Y'all realized it before but I'm still accepting OC's but I think I'm gonna change it up a bit! I, @glowinggemma will be accepting 6 spirit OC's! The reason why will be explained in a private email I will send you if your OC wins! I may slightly tweak your OC but otherwise stay true to what you send me! The first 6 to get their OC in will most likely have the best chance at being chosen but you still have a chance if your not one of them! And I still might use your OC just in a smaller and less notable way! I will be using what @darkitstar filled out to explain what I need with a few added things that I'm now asking for! The new stuff I'm adding to her design I will underline! Here's what you need to fill out in the comments/Private message!

Name: Ex. Star
Constellation: Ex. Leo Minor
(They must be based on a real constellation (so no making one up except if it's really really good and cute but I have to decide if it makes the cut!) but their actual name can NOT be the same as the constellation they're based on!)
Powers: Ex. Same as Loki's/ can turn into a lioness! Please chose a power that makes sense and please no lost magic! You may make up a magic but it must be approved by me first! Ok!


How old do they look: Ex. 3 (it helps me a lot when you do this but please for future reference please either pick an age that looks less suspicious than a young child going a guild like +16 or add what's the story or explanation that they tell their guild mates)

Hair color/style/length: Ex. Light blue/wavey/past her waist (please fill out all three! It makes it easier for me when you do!)

Eye color: Ex. Gold (if their pupils sometime change please add that also)

Skin tone: Ex. Peach (just saying they're white, black or mixed doesn't help much! But if you say what type of complexion they have it helps me immensely)

Other: please if you add cat ears and stuff please realize that that will be part of the spirit form since They usually need to appear human!)

Normal Outfit/style: Ex. Ball gown with sparkles/ girly princess style (please do both! The first is for their usual outfit like Erza's main armor and Nastu's usually attire and the style's for when they don't wear that and I don't want to do the whole this is their outfit for every occasion since I like having some freedom with it!)

Personally: Ex. Kind, loyal, protective, is not too easily angered, likes fighting but isn't the one to start it! (please add more stuff than just loyal or kind and please make sure to add if they're easily angered and if fighting is their go to solution for problems or if not what is)

Likes: ex: being with her brothers; The princesses (mostly Lucy) and their spirits, helping with damage control, pranks, helping Gramps with paperwork since she can't do jobs without another person, etc... (Please add at least 5 likes and a favorite food is preferred. I can add the rest)

Dislikes: Ex. Bullying, abuse, people who are drunk everyday, arguments over stupid things, stupid people, people who doubt her, etc... (Again please add at least 5 and I'll take care of the rest!)

Crush or single: (please if you chose crush please chose someone not apart of one of the ships but they can have a small crush on them but not get together!) Ex. Freed

Now the guilds the you have to chose from are:


Twilight Ogre

Lamia Scale

Blue Pegasus

Quatro Cerberus

Mermaid heel

Good luck! Bye!

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