13. Heart Island

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I don't own Fairy tail!

Mason PoV
I couldn't believe it! This was my niece! THE Celestial Star Dragon Princess!?!?! Only one way to know for sure. I thought. I picked her up and swing her around like I would with Jay when we were kids. She had the same reaction. I set her down smiling from ear to ear. I then notice her sister's instruments. They were the other two SI's. Mom did say they were for special people. I grab Hoshi's hand and lead her to the outdoor stage. She gasped and gave me a look that said. Can I? I nod. She squeals and hugs me before she drags her sisters onstage. I chuckle as I head over to the soundboard I have. I start recording. Knowing this is gonna be something to remember. As they start playing I give them a beat. Right before the last chorus they start to glow and Hoshi grows half a foot but her clothes grow with her. Lucy's and Yuki's hair changes to bronze with streaks of their original hair color while Hoshi gets copper steaks. But the most stunning changes is their eyes. Lucy's brown eye now had gold flakes while Yukino got silver flakes. Hoshi's now were a contrasting bronze and copper. Their shirts also now had the words DIAMOND DESTINYS! In bejeweled letters. The song ended and everyone was cheering. I went up and kissed them on the head. The crowd was chanting what they thought was the name of their band. On the back of their jackets we're their names. Their new true names!
Haruko Kokoro
Tsukiko Kokoro
Hoshiko Kokoro
I lead them back to my "place". A.K.A. the back room in my store. It was fairly clean only had a wrapper here and there on the floor. I get out a machine to call my brother to discuss their training. I realized my lacrima was broken but Hoshi handed me hers. I plug it in. My brother was sleeping. I smirked and shouted, "BUNNY!" He jumped ten feet up. He looked around and saw my face. Every ounce of anger and annoyance melted from his being. We could never stay mad at each other for very long. "Mason, it's good to hear from you bro! What's going on?" He asked. I smile and step aside so he could see the girls.  He smiled ear to ear. "I knew you could do it!" He said to a grinning Hoshi. "I'm calling cause, the 3 S.I.'s mom gave me are theirs. Meaning I have to teach them how to use them properly so they don't explode!" I explain, I hear a thump behind me. I turn to see, Tsuki on the floor unconscious, while Haru and Hoshi fan her. 'We'll just take her into the other room so you two can chat.' Hoshi said helping her half-sister half-carry, half-drag Tsuki out. I turn my attention back to Jay. Who now had an old dusty book that I recognized as Mom's in his hands. He opened it and read out loud. "The next Sun Fairy, Moon Saber, and Star Dragon will bring a new era of Peace and Hope to both Wizard and Spirit. They have four years after their Awakening to train and master the aspects of the sun, moon and stars. Before they return to earth they must work on the following. He motions me to write this down.
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Individual studies
Dragon God slayer magic
Celestial Rune magic
Music Magic
Dissolving magic
Other magic

I finish writing it down. 16 subjects in 4 years. Not too bad. "Okay, you still live in Celestial Springs?" He asks. I nod. "Good, they'll stay with you and you'll oversee the training. I'll find and send tutors for their other subjects as well as anything else they need. But you'll have to keep it on the down-low bro. We don't need the whole town knowing they're the Princesses." I nod. "Okay, their half of the Tutors will be there in 2 weeks at the latest. You have til then to find a place for you, the girls and the tutors to live, train and study where you wouldn't be disturbed and can still make ends meet cause I'm guessing you don't want me to help?" He asked. I nod and promise to talk to him soon. I end the call. I have a feeling who he'll chose. I smile thinking about the good time me and Jay had. I should visit him sometime but for now I need a new place. So, I look at a map trying to find the best place for their training. The best place I can find is Heart Island in the center of the springs. It's private, decently big with plenty of space for training, and was close enough to town to keep the store running for cash. Only problem rent is 3 diamond per month. That's more than I usual make in six. Not to mention building a house within the time limit of 2 weeks. I smell steak. I follow my nose and find the girls cooking dinner for Four. They smile at me and finish in a few minutes. We sit down and eat. Best food I've had since I left the Royal life behind. "Hey, Uncle Mason? What's gonna be our schedule?" Asked Hoshi. I think for a minute. "Well, til your other teachers and books get here. I was thinking we get started on your physical train and mastering your Instruments." I say. uncertain I could truly be in charge of overseeing their training. She nods. Something in her bag is glowing and vibrating. She pulls out a book. "I have an update on your teachers." The book says opening to a random page.
Hand-to-hand Combat/Weapons
-Leo and Capricorn
-Taurus and Virgo
-Scorpio and Libra
-Pisces and Aquarius
-Aries and Gemini
-Crux and I
-Sagittarius and Cancer

It closed itself hopped back into Hoshi's bag. She looked deep in thought. I waved my hand in front of her face. "Oh, sorry I was just thinking about the name of our 'band'." She said using air quotes around the word band. "What about it?" Asked Haru finishing off her plate and taking it to the sink. "The Diamond Destinies is also the name of a group of spirits that all but one went missing during war." She explained. "Who was the one who didn't go missing?" Asked Tsuki curiously. "Drago, the first Dragon, Also known as the dragon King. HE went missing looking for the others shortly after Kyrie died." She looked like she was a detective trying to crack a hard case. "Go on." They urged. "Well, they're are 12 in all with an additional 13th Key like the zodiacs only each one of them sorta had an opposite in the group. And no one has seen them since but, whenever I'm near Heart Island, which was the last place anyone saw them, I get a tugging sensation in my gut like I did earlier with the Guitar only now it's stronger than ever." She explained. "Well, that is where I plan to have you three train.." I say trailing off as Hoshi pulls out a three bags. "This is everything we have." I open them. It's filled with more than enough diamonds to buy the island and a big boat. I give her a bear hug. "Hey Uncle Mason do you think its possible to do a construction magic with our instruments making up for lack of experience?" She asked. I look at her and toss her a book of construction spells. "You find a spell, I'll get the Island." She smiles and stand on her chair. "Okay, then! Haru and Tsuki you summon our teachers, fill'em in and grab everything from here and the Cottage and meet us at the docks when your done. Meanwhile, I'll go with Uncle Mason to buy the Island and a boat while finding a good spell to use for our house." She says confidently. She then jumps on to my shoulders. I laugh and walk out. We head to the other side of town. Hoshiko reads the book looking for a simple one to build the house. I walk in and talk to the receptionist. "I'd like to buy Heart Island and a boat please." I say placing 2 bags on the desk. She peeks inside. Her jaw drops anime style. She hands me the deed and shows me the boats. Hoshiko chose a boat with 4 cabins, a Kitchen, etc. We paid her and went to the the docks where the girls and their teachers waited for us. We loaded our stuff onto the boat and decide to head out tomorrow morning. I wonder what's in store for us.

What do you think?
Why are the Diamond destinies so important? Find out in the next Chapter Finding Faith!

I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
word count: 1535

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