16. Who Are You?

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I don't own fairy tail!l

Haru's (Lucy) PoV
I wake feeling really sore. I vaguely remember opening a lock with Lightning. How did I do that? I wondered. Olive did say Lightning is included with sun magic but we hadn't even started training, yet! And all I did was think about Laxus cause the lightning shaped keyhole reminded me of him. Confused and groggy, I get something to eat. "Good morning Haru-Hime." Said an unicorn. WAIT UNICORN? I thought walking in reverse until I stood the the doorway of the next room. I rub my eyes to see if I'm hallucinating or something. But I'm not! He was dark blue with a golden mane and sky blue eyes. On his right is a guy that reminds me of Sting Eucliffe, with his blonde hair and blue eyes. And on his left a guy who looks like someone took Rouge and dressed him in something Gajeel would wear. "Um, who are you?" I asked. My hands going for my keys. My hand brushed a key that sent shivers down my spine. The unicorn eyes widened. "Are you aware your power is almost that of a wizard saint?" He asked me. "A wizard saint?" I asked my knees growing weak. Rouge's lookalike helped steady me and sat me down in the chair he had been using, before going into the Kitchen. "How can tell if I'm that powerful?" I asked the Unicorn. "When celestial wizards touch a key, the spirit immediately knows who it is and how powerful they are. Many spirits actually use their own power when summoned to make it easier on their master but something tells me you're not fully aware of what occurred last night." He said. "What did happen last night?" Asked Hoshi hopping on my lap and handing me Amber who was still sleeping. I was about to ask where Sapphire was til I saw her "hair" move and realized it  was just Sapphire who until that moment had been quietly snoozing on Hoshi's head. "You went into a trance or something. We were afraid to wake you because you're eyes became magic circles. So we just hopped on your heads. You went into a portal, found a weird prison-like box with a lock on them, opened it, and these guys who I don't know that names of came out, handed you their keys, and I guess, carried you back to the portal." Sapphire explained, not at all groggy. "I guess?" I questioned wondering why she didn't know for sure. She blushed. "We kidda fell asleep on your heads except for Amber. She fell off but, crow-guy caught her and carried her back with Tsuki." She explained blushing. I chuckle. The Rouge lookalike or 'crow-guy' as Sapphire so elegantly put it, came back with 6 plates heaped high with Pancake and sausage. Hoshi hopped off my lap and sat down in the seat next to me. Tsuki and Midnight joined us. After Hoshi finished her second helping of hash browns, she took her plate to the sink. "So, who exactly are you guys?" She asked sitting down again. "I am Monoceros, Haru-home was the one to release me so I would like to be contracted to her if that's alright, as for opening my gate. I am the Lightning Steed, as I use Lightning magic." The unicorn said. He lightning flickered around his body for minute, growing stronger and brighter. Then a flash. In his place was a Very buff Man with Black hair and sky blue eyes. "This is my Human form, most spirits have these but don't use them." He explained to our shocked faces as he sat down. (Pun intended) "I am Crovus, the Shadow Diamond key. My powers include any type of dark or black magic, however I specialize in shadow magic and use a bit of moon and dream magic. For my gate I am, the Shadow crow, Crovus. Any I'd like to personally thank Tsukiko-Sama for Releasing me from my prison. Even if you choose not to be my Mistress I will come if you call me." He said bowing from the waist. She blushed. He really looks like Rouge, maybe she misses him but then why is she blush..DOES SHE LIKE ROUGE?!?! I wondered so loud I can't believe they didn't hear my thoughts. I faced the last one. The Sting lookalike. "So, I'm guessing Hoshi Released you?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded before turning to Hoshi. "For, my key Hoshiko-sama, I am the Hunter of the stars or the spirit of light. Whichever you prefer. As for my name I am Orion. But you may call me whatever you see fit." He says bowing at the waist to her. "Okay, first please just Hoshi it's what everybody else calls me and secondly, you don't have to bow." She said to him. "Out of curiosity, is that your human-form?" Tsuki asked. "No this is my main form, you see as you might guess there are lots of different types of spirits. I'm actually a rare Hero spirit. Or a spirit who was once Human with or without but risking their life to save others. And had a contellation named after them. Which makes your soul become a Celestial Spirit when you die." He explained softly. His expression both proud and Grief-stricken. "Do you miss your old life?" Hoshi asked wrapping her small 8 year-old sized arms around his neck. "A little, two of my friends became Spirit Heros as well. But I do miss my faithful dogs, Sol and Lunar." He said hugging her back. "Getting back on topic. Hoshi, when would you like to talk about our contract?" He asked looking happier than before. "Actually, for your contracts I was hoping you three, might be willing to be contracted to me and my sisters if that's okay with all of you." She suggested. "That's actually a really good idea, we should see if all our spirits would like to be contracted to all three of us so we can call on them whenever we need." Said Tsuki. I could help but agree. The three were more than to agree to it. So, we got them set up. They're very loyal spirits who we had to haggle just to drop the whole "I'm your servant" thing. The terms are:

They're always available
We can call them as often as we want
they will come at any our calls but they primary owner will be they one that released them

Shortly after we finished with our deal. Mason, and the zodiacs woke up. We introduced, Orion, Crovus, and Monoceros to them as well as updated our contracts. Then Hoshi took us outside so she could summon all her spirits.

Who are HER spirits?
How many does she have?
And what powers do they have?

I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
word count: 1175

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