22. A new me!

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I don't own Fairy tail!

Sting PoV
I watched as Sabrina left with Perseus though the waterfall. I tried to follow them when I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw...BEEP BEEP BEEP. I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. Was it just a dream? I asked myself sitting up. I shifted slightly and felt something in my pocket. I dug out a small ring that said Friends are the flowers that bloom in our hearts. I stare at it for what seems like hours but according to my clock to be a minute and a half. It wasn't a dream! I quickly bring it to my nose to catch her scent. Pine trees and ocean breeze and maybe something else but I'm not sure. They're mixed in such way I might mistake or miss it unless... I walk to the bathroom and sure enough there's pine and ocean breeze shampoo. I quickly take a whiff of it and the ring. They're the almost exact same scent! I take a deep breath of the ring again, The other scent is Chocolate Mousse, my favorite! I make a mental note to ask them where they buy it. I carefully set the ring on the counter and take a quick shower using the shampoo and conditioner they have. I get out and throw on my usual outfit. I look around my room it's been a few days since we started searching. Sabertooth 9/10 of the guild has joined the search and is staying with Fairy tail members. Rouge is staying with Gajeel, since he offered to take him in and I'm with Romeo and his dad, Macao. Why I'm not with Natsu you might ask well... It was either bunk on the floor with the person who hurt his friend and doesn't even have a regularly stocked kitchen or with Romeo who offered, have my own room, and does have a well stocked kitchen.
In the end it wasn't exactly a hard choice. I think about Sabrina, if that is her real name, I just couldn't take my eyes off her. Normally I'm more attracted to brunettes not girls with two toned silver hair. But I was attracted to her in every way. The way she walked; the way she talked; everything. I grab a small chain Yukino left behind. Me and Rouge brought a couple of things she left with us so we keep a little piece of her nearby. I string the ring onto the chain and put on. Looking in the mirror I'm dissatisfied with my outfit. I dig though the closest and look for a new outfit. (See media!) I find pair of worn-in white jeans, a black leather jacket, a cool pair of black converses and a red t shirt that had a lightbulb and my second favorite quote on it. (A/N The first being the one on her ring) I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison. I smile for the first time since my dream. I put on the new necklace and tuck it underneath my shirt. I put in my classic one earring. Most people don't realize this but, my dragon Hikaru gave me the pair of earrings I wear and was the one to pierce them for me. But I was too much of a wimp to go though with the second ear that I only got the one piercing. They were Hikaru's last gift to me. When I gave the other earring to Sabrina, I felt closer to Hikaru since before I lost her. I looked down at the chain and decide to wear it outside my shirt. I rub the ring gently. I don't know why I told her Hikaru's pet name for me, and not my real name but what's done is done. I look at myself in the mirror and compare it to my usual attire. This was much more me. It says cool and awesome with a hint of geek. I turn on one heel and walk out. Look out world, a new me, a new Sting Eucliffe is on his way!

So Sting is Hoshi's mystery guy!
So will they meet again?
Will they figure out who the other is?
Stay tuned to find out!

I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
744 words

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