17. Hoshi's Spirits

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I don't own fairy tail!

Hoshi P.o.V.
I was nervous as we walked outside so they could meet my spirit. My only friends. Seriously, before meeting my Sisters and their spirits, I only had 10 friends and 9 of them are my spirits. The last one is Olive.
What if my spirits don't like my sisters? Or worse my sisters don't like my spirits? "Okay, quick warning my spirits are crazy protective of me and aren't exactly good with people." I say warning them, as I grabbed my first key, who was my first spirit, and my first friend. "Open, gate of the Hydra serpent, Honey." A huge mushroom cloud of smoke appeared behind me, as it cleared. I saw a shadow of something with 3 heads. Orion notches an arrow but I shield the thing behind me. "It's okay guys, she friendly to her friends." I say before she places a leg in front of me protectively, while she growled at my sisters. "Honey, relax I promise they're not here to hurt us." I say holding middle head eye-level with me. We have a silent staring contest, like always she looks away first. I roll my eyes and motion my sisters forward. They approach us cautiously. When they're close enough, I gently grab one of their hands. "Haru, Tsuki, I'd like you to meet Honey, my first spirit/friend. Honey, this is Haru and Tsuki, my sisters." I say giving both my sisters and Honey a reassuring smile. I step back a step so Honey can get a good look at them. Honey's left and right heads pressed their foreheads against my sisters'. They seems to go into a trance for 15 seconds before pulling back and shaking their heads. Honey walked over to the other spirits and talked to them. I grab my next key, the Second friend I ever made. "Open gate of the Warrior, Hercules!" A flash appeared at became the form of a man with redish-orange hair, and green eyes. His bulging muscles were as buff as you can get. "Hey, Hosh, what's up?" He asked picking me up with one arm and lifting me onto his shoulder. "Herc, these are my sisters and their spirits. Everyone this is Hercules, but he'll answer to Herc or whatever nickname you chose for him." I said getting down, before pushing him toward Orion. They smile and give the other a one-armed hug as they start catching up. "Open, gate of the Lion Cub, Leo Minor." A smaller, younger, and less Perverted vision of Loki poofed into Existence. He smiled warmly at my sisters. "Hi, I'm LJ, and you must be my older brother's Mage, Haru." He said brightly. She nodded. "Thank you, for bringing my brother back." He said giving her a hug before pouncing on his brother's  turned back. I laugh at his antics. Before grabbing my next key. "Open gate of the Shield, Scutum." A shield with a face appeared, he spun and became a guy with silver hair and violet eyes. "Hello I'm the shield spirit. I can make and transform into out weapons and armor but my main form is a shield." He said before turning back into a shield and floating over to Herc. I grab my next key. "Open gate of the eagle, Ethan." A majestic bald eagle affectionately nipped at me. I giggle and send him over to other others. "Open gate of the Bear Cub, Ursa Minor." A bear about 2 feet tall stood up. His fur shimmered with stardust. "Open gate of the Mother, Ursa Major." Abear 10 feet tall stood her fur like her sons shimmered like stardust. I give Herc a look that says, keep him distracted. He gives me a small nod. "Open gate of the hunting Dogs, Canes Venatici." I say not as loud. Two dogs came forward and transformed into boys. Most people would think they're twins but they're really just brothers. I keep their eyes on me and my sisters. "Haru; Tsuki; this is Sol and Lunar; Sol and Lunar this Haru and Tsuki. Looking between them I realized something. They kinda look like boy-versions of my sisters. Sol the older one, has golden orange hair and eyes, he's fun-loving and love to brighten things up. While Lunar the younger one, has silvery blue hairs and eyes, he's the cool, mature one. "We know about the new contracts we'll just extend to your sisters." They say together. I smirk and give Herc a nod. "Well, I have a Surprise for you!" I say loudly. So most spirits look at me. Expect for Orion. "What?" They asked. I smile. "Turn around slowly." I instruct. They turn around and make eye contact with Orion for a second everything is silent. Then, they transform back into Dogs and leap on Orion's chest, knocking him down and  attacking his face with their tongues. He laughs. "No, no, stop it, guys stop its tickles!" He laughed. After a full minute of licking and laughing. They pull back go back their usual forms only now instead of looking about 16 they now look 10 or 8 years old. They give Orion a bear hug, shedding tears of Pure Joy. Orion hugs back with the same furiousity, shedding even more tears than the both of them. They had each other while he was alone. He looked at me and gave me a look that said. You had their key the whole time? I nod. Thank you! He mouthed before walking away from us, Sol and Lunar in tow. They had a lot to catch up on! I smile. If I can make other spirits this happy and content. I'll be the Happiest girl on Earth AND spirit world!




I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
Word count 1005

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