11. Regret!

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I don't own fairy tail!
This chapter is dedicated to @ashmhir123
And at her request this will be completely LaLu! 💘😍
Okay I'm good!☺️
So basically, this is the cause of Lucy being ignored and why certain people did not ignore her! WARNING! SUPER LONG CHAPTER ALERT!

Laxus PoV💠!
I CAN'T believe she left the guild without even saying goodbye. Lucy must have been treated horrible to just snap like that. No one deserves to be treated that way. She was the Light of the guild. The smile that will brighten up anyone's day. She was a true fairy. She helped people, fought along side her spirits, and was kind to everyone. And it's all my fault everyone gave her the cold shoulder. Because she hung out with me and my team she was ignored and got hurt. I think back to when it all started. It was right after the GMG's.
Lucy is the best type of person in my opinion. I remember a quote she once told me. "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort!"

I chuckle to myself. Only Luce could say that and truely live it, no prob! Then again does she even try to to be like that? Even after I had Evergreen turn her and the other girls into stone, she refused to shun my team in anyway. She was polite to them; didn't try to mess with them. Heck, she even occasionally invited them over to dinner at her place. After Tenrou island, my team told me all about her and how nice she was to them. I thanked her for not judging my team and apologized for not helping with Phantom Lord and for the Battle of Fairy Tail. She smiled and said, "I don't care what you did in your past. It's your future that's important." Which surprised me to say the least. She didn't care that she was turned to stone and that I was a total perverted jerk when she first joined? No one had ever been that nice to me. Then Lucy surprised me again by immediately inviting me and my team to dinner that night. I accepted her invite and told my team who seemed ecstatic about me getting along with their favorite guild member who wasn't on the team. We came by around 6 and I realized why my team loved coming over. Lucy was an amazing cook. I could help but enjoy myself. I never realized how lucky Team Nastu was for having her. Ever talk her ear off but, Luce handled very well. She even asked if Ever wanted to stay the night. Which she did. Then, the conversation turned into something surprising. Freed told her if she ever wanted a break from Team Nastu, to feel free to join the Thunder God Tribe. She dropped her cup but I caught it before a single drop hit the ground. I hand back to her and she blushed. "Thanks for catching my drink, Laxus. And thank you for the offer Freed but seriously you guys are some of the most powerful people in the whole guild. I'd only slow you down." She said pulling out cookies that she had just started when we got there. She slipped on something. I catch her in one arm and the cookies in my other. We stay like that for a minute. Just staring into each other's eyes. Then break away. Her face was the same color as Flame-Brain's hair and I'm pretty sure mine was too. For some weird reason no one commented on it at the time. I would have expected at least Biglow and his 'babies' to comment like Happy. I couldn't help but remember how she fit so well in my arm. Or how her lips...NO! Bad Laxus! A girl like that HAS to have a boyfriend! Oh, What I wouldn't give to be him. Stop it! I thought to myself. Then smelled something from upstairs that wasn't there a minute ago. I sniffed again confirming it and give Freed the signal to use runes to silence us. He nodded saying it was alright. "Okay, Lucy someone upstairs right now who wasn't there before." I say carefully trying not to freak her out. She sighs. "It's probably just Nastu. He never uses the door." She says clearly annoyed. I raise an eyebrow. "I didn't know you invited Nastu, too." Said Evergreen. Lucy sighed again. "I didn't. He barges in all the time. I really am getting tired of it. I mean he eats all my food so I have to by groceries almost every two days, goes through my stuff non-stop, he even sleeps on my bed because it's more comfortable than his." She rants putting her head on her arm. I'm just shocked. I get that Flame-brain is stupid but doesn't he know the meanings of the word "boundaries"! "If you want I could put runes around your house to keep people out unless you invite them." Freed offered slightly concerned for her safety if people can easily get in uninvited. She smiles and nods. Man, I love that smile and her scent and her...NO BAD LAXUS! I thought to myself. Crash "I'll be right back guys. Looks like Someone needs a kick." She walks upstair. I sniff the air as she does and realize the smell upstairs isn't flame-brain's. His scent was Smoked Salmon. And the one upstairs smelled like someone lit a pine tree on fire. The others sensed something was wrong too. Without a word we race upstairs after her when she was about to open the door when I smelled hidden Chloroform. I pull her back just before the intruder's hand would have grabbed her. Time slows down. I heard the tell-tale sound of a gun being loaded. No way we're gonna let them hurt her! I jump out of the way while shielding Lucy with my body. The bullet grazed my cheek. It stung like hell but I ignored it. There was a small blue flash big enough to blind someone for a second but not enough to attract attention. Something shot out and wrapped around Lucy's arm like a bracelet. She stiffened up and tried to pulling off of some reason it couldn't. Freed and Biglow tried to get him but failed. Fortunately, there always hitting someone in the back of the head. Which Ever happily did. I look down at Luce and see she's freaked out and might be going into shock. I pull her shivering form closer to my chest. She relaxes slightly at my warmth but still. She needs help. I don't wanna take her to the guild that's that first place someone would look for her. I pull off my jacket and wrap it around Luce. Then pick her up bridal style. "Ever, you go find Levy and Wendy and bring them to our place and grab her some clothes from her closet." She nods and hurrying over to Lucy's walk-in closet. I turn to Freed. "Freed, put runes on this guy to immobilize him, then put runes around Lucy's house, and then do our place when your done. He nods. And finishes the first set of runes on the guy. Then walks outside so he can do Her house. "Biglow, I need you to take him to the police station and help question him when he come to. Got it?" I asked he nods and carries the dude out. I check my mental checklist.
Attend the injured
Secure the intruder
Take target to safe location
Interrogate intruder
Beat up anyone involved to a pulp

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