3. The Falls

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I don't own fairy tail

Lucy PoV
My train had to stop for repairs. The closest station was Celestial Falls. Everyone got out and decided to look at the falls. I looked at the falls and then notice Yukino on another balcony. "Yukino!" I yell as loud as I can. She sees me and waves. She then, points to a small cafe. I nod and head over there. We gave each other a hug and started to catch up. We managed to get a table with a great view of the falls. "So why are you here?" I asked looking at the menu. Yukino looked down. She explained what happened at Sabertooth. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "So what are you doing here Lucy?" I bite my lip. She looks at my hands. Her eyes widen. "You left Fairy Tail?" She asked in surprise. I sighed and told her what happen at Fairy Tail. "Okay that explains that why you were coming to see me but why were you coming here?" Yukino asked eating her soup. I looked at my hamburger. "If I told you, you'd wouldn't believe me." I say quietly. Yukino leaned in. "Try me." She said completely serious. I sigh feeling silly. "The night before I got left the guild, I had a dream where a 6 year old girl came up to me and said if I ever wanted a new start go to the beginning of my story." I sighed knowing what I was about to say sounded stupid. "When I went home I saw my favorite storybook from when I was little. The one my mom used to read to me when I was feeling scared." I sniffle remembering all those times she read it to me. "When my mom read it to me when I was a kid, She'd always said that no made how old I get I'll always be her little sun princess. The beginning of the story starts at Celestial Falls. So I came here hoping for answers." I said bracing myself for her laughter. But she didn't laugh. "Did the little girl in your dream have curly brown hair, and wear a strapless black sundress with little roses on it with a shimmering coral cape?" She asked cautiously. "How did you know that?!" I asked sipping my lemonade. She went into her bag and brought out a book with a silvery blue cover. The Legend of the Celestial Moon Princess, Tsukiko.

I gasped and brought out my book.
"The Legend of the Celestial Sun Princess, Haruko."

It was the same as her's but it was a pinkish gold color instead of a silvery blue. "When I was a kid my dad used to read it to me and say no matter hard hard life gets. I'll still be his moon princess." She said wistfully. "Isn't a little weird how we had the same dream?" She asked. I nodded. "I don't how any idea who the girl is but she's so familiar like I've known her since I was a kid. You know?" She nodded. "Same here but who could she be? And why ask us to come here?" As soon as the words left her mouth, we heard screaming. We ran out and saw a gang of bandits forcing people to hand over they're stuff. I look at Yukino. She nodded and we charged.

Yukino PoV
It reminded me of the day bandits came, stole my sister and killed my parents. I couldn't fight back then but I can now. I grab my 2 golden keys. "Open gate of the two fish, Pisces. Open gate of the balance, Libra." I yell. They appear and start battling them. "Open gate of the maiden, Virgo. Open gate of the water bearer, Aquarius." Lucy yells. They help Pisces and Libra but there's still so many. Lucy and I start helping evacuate the area when a bandit comes at Lucy from behind. I'm about to warn her when a golden flash appears and the guy is tossed over the falls. It's Leo, one of Lucy's spirits but last I checked, she can't open 3 gates at once. He jumps over me and takes out the 3 guys behind me. The ground below me starts shaking. Leo grabs me and puts me next to Lucy. "Since when can you open 3 gates at once?!" I ask while punching a guy in the gut and then kicking him in the head. "I can't, Leo can come out without me calling him," she says. Kicking a guy a good 15 feet away, he doesn't get up. That's one powerful kick. I think to myself. "It both annoying since he can come out any time he wants," she punches a guy in the solar plexus and then knees him the head. Needless to say he was down for the count. "And helpful because he can help me in a fight and I don't have to summon him." She says tripping a guy over the railing. I nod and kick a guy in the soft spot, he screams like a girl and I kick him in the head. About half of them were left and I could barely stand and Lucy wasn't in much better shape. Virgo and Libra leave. We still fought on for 5 more minute. Only 200 are left but Aquarius and Pisces have to leave. So only me, Lucy, and Leo are left. We're standing next to the railing, trapped. We're all breathing hard. "Please tell me you have a plan or Leo can take them on him own." I say panting. "I don't think I can," He say standing in front of us. I look at Lucy in desperation. "The only I can think of is using Urano Metria, but that takes concentration and needs enough energy to summon at least one spirit without dying. And I only have half of that." She says. "Lucy, I've studied that spell since I was 12 if we do an unison raid, we might be able to pull it off." I say determined. She nods. "Think you can cover us?" She asks Leo. He nods. "Just be careful Luce I don't want you to meet the same fate as Karen." He says sizing the last of them up. Karen? I wonder out loud. "My pervious owner." He says. I nod but I had a feeling there was more to it then that. I face Lucy and look in her eyes. I never realizing it til now but her eyes were the same as mine, darker but just as piecing. She nods and we begin.

No one PoV
They kneel down and grab the others hands and start the spell.

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...
All the stars, far and wide...
Show me thy appearance...
With such shine.
Oh Tetrabiblos...
I am the Ruler of the stars...
Aspect become complete...
Open thy malevolent gate.
Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...

Right before the last word one of bandits tried to shoot them. Leo jumped in front of them. Lucy and Yukino both saw this. But kept going because knowing they couldn't stop now. The effect of the spell was more than what they bargained for. It took out the remaining thugs, but was too much for the already weaken platform. Lucy and Yukino though exhausted, tried to crawl to safety but were not fast enough. The platform crumbled beneath them. They held on to one another. As they fell they could see the glint of a key, a copper key! "Gate to Celestial Springs I open thee!" A voice yelled. The falls turn gold and the two girls that saved the day fall into a portal summoned by a small girl with curly brown hair, wearing a strapless black dress with little roses on it with a shimmering coral pink cape. Someone snaps a picture of her face. It was like a doll's flawless and timeless. But her most notable feature was her eyes, which were chocolate brown with copper flakes. Like someone mixed Lucy's and Yukino's eye into one. She hops in the portal and it disappears as though it never was there.

So finished with that! 😊
who is the little girl?
why is she important?
Find out in the next chapter
Celestial Princess

I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
Word count: 1408

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