Good News and Bad News

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(A/N-There will be A LOT of different point of views in this chapter, so read carefully.)

Andy's P.O.V

She was really pretty. I don't know if CC could tell when I blushed, but I like her a lot. I heard her make a noise when I sat on the bed with her.

"Andy?" She sleepily questioned.


"Why am I in my room? And how did I get here?" She was laying down and hugging a pillow.

"You fell asleep again, so I carried you up to here." I replied. Her eyes went wide.

"You carried me...up the stairs...and through that long hallway?" She seemed puzzled that I could do such a thing.

"Yep. You're...really light..." Then it hit me. She was so nervous because I would find out how light she is.

"Why are you so light, Emma?" She put her head in her pillow and cried.
"Hey, hey it's okay! I didn't mean anything. I'm sorry!" I felt so bad. I hugged her, hoping it would help a little.

"I-I need h-help." She was talking about her eating disorder. She was either bulimic or anorexic.

"It's okay. I can help if you want. you do?"

"I'm anorexic...unless there's people around." She was so frail...

"Does anyone else know? Leianna?"

"No. Nobody except you. Please don't tell Leianna. She already has enough problems of her own. I don't want her to worry about me." I wonder how long she's been doing this.

"I won't. Come here." I hugged her tighter and she hugged back. She cried into my chest until she fell asleep in my arms. I don't want to leave her. Ever.

Leianna's P.O.V

Where's Andy? Emma probably woke up and they're talking or something. Or maybe he is down here and I just couldn't hear him.

"CC? Where's Andy? Did he come down yet?"

"No, not yet. I think he's talking to Emma."

"Emma has a big crush on him. I don't know if it's just a fangirl thing though." It was true. Emma wasn't obsessed, but she really likes him.

"Are you serious? 'Cause when Andy offered to bring her upstairs, he was blushing like crazy..." Does Andy like her?

"Do you think Andy likes her?" I asked.

"Maybe. You never know with him. He's weird." Wait...did I just hear...crying?

"CC did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Maybe I'm just hearing things.

"Nothing. It was probably just the wind." Typical answer. I swear I heard crying.

"Leianna? What are we gonna do about warped tour? It's in four days..." I hadn't thought about that yet.

"Um...I don't know..."

Doctor's P.O.V

Wait a second...Leianna Hayes...She wasn't supposed to be held for 3 weeks...she was supposed to be released the next day. I have to call and tell them!

I dialed the phone to Christian Mora.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi there. This is Leianna's doctor. I was calling to tell you I made a mistake..."

Leianna's P.O.V

Did I hear doctor? Oh my god what I'd there's something wrong. What if I can't get fixed. What if it's permanent. CC must've seen the look on my face because when he hung up he hugged me.

"Leianna! They made a mistake!"

"What is it!?! TELL ME!"

"You're being let out the day after your surgery! They said as long as you keep watch and make sure it doesn't get infected, you should be fine. Which also means-"

"I GET TO GO ON TOUR WITH YOU GUYS!" I interrupted. I kissed his cheek and I'm pretty sure I'll smile like a lunatic for the rest of the day.

Andy's P.O.V

I need to tell someone. She needs help, but I don't know how. Maybe CC or Leianna could help. Emma was asleep anyways.

I went downstairs and found CC and Leianna on the couch, snuggling.

"Guys, I need your help, but you have to promise not to tell Emma." CC looked at me with a worried expression, and Leianna looked like she has just heard the worst news of her life.

"Emma is anorexic, and I want to help her. I don't know how. I...I like her." Leianna's jaw dropped, and CC smirked, but it soon turned back to a frown.

"E-Emma is...anorexic?" Leianna started breathing heavier and tears rolled down her face.

"Hey. Baby its okay. We can help her." CC calmed her after awhile.

"Please help me." I was so worried about her.

"Why don't you bring her on tour with us? We got plenty of room, and she'll have a friend. That way, you can watch what she eats and make sure it's enough." CC had a good point.

"You should, Andy. It's a great idea and now she can get the help she needs." Leianna added.

"Thanks guys. I'll let her know when she's awake. Just don't tell her I told you she's...anorexic..." I hate that word already.

Then I saw the beautiful face I saw when I first walked in, who was peeking around the corner with tears on her face.

Emma's P.O.V

He told them. He told Leianna and CC I was anorexic, and now they know. I was hiding behind the wall that leads from the kitchen into the living room.

Oh shit. Andy saw me. I sprinted up the stairs, full on balling now. I ran to my room and locked the door.

"Emma! I'm sorry! Emma please unlock the door." He was pounding and yelling. CC and Leianna joined soon after.

"No! I'm never coming out again!" I meant it. If I was gonna die in here, I will die in here.

(A/N-What do you think will happen next? Will she come out? NEW CHAPTER TOMORROW!!!)

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