Is it Worth it?

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Leianna's P.O.V.

I woke up to my room dark, I couldn't see anything, it sort of scared me. I slowly get out of my bed. The floor felt like it was almost waxed, it was hot as well. I started to freak out. Was this really my room? Did somehow Max get me? No, no! I feel CC's arms. Oh shit. Omg. I spring out of my bed like it was a trampoline. I ran, I ran into an object, causing me to fall backwards. I let out a little scream. I could feel my body hit the cold floor. I felt a warm, think liquid travel down my face. I hear foot steps running towards my bedroom door. The door swings open with quiet a force.

"LEIANNA!" The voice belong to the one and only CC. I try to get up but my hand slips and I double over. I feel someone pick me up, my vision was blurry. "You gotta stop doing this to yourself," CC must've heard me fall. I feel like a burden to him, he's always taking care of me when I'm hurt.

"I'm....fine CC," my voice was weak.

"Don't play that on me Lei. I'm taking you to the hospital," I went quite. I hated hospital. Every time I went there, I went home crying.

*time lapse to the hospital*

"CC I'm fine please I just don't want to be here....please CC I'm begging you," at this moment I starting to cry.

"Leianna, baby, you need help. I promise you'll be in good hands." He stroked my head.

"Leianna Hyde?" I nurse peeked her head out of the door as she call my name. CC takes my hand as we follow the nurse to a small white room. I sit on the table. I look around the room. It was white, just plain white, my hands were sweaty. A few minutes later a doctor came in. His white lab coat wrapped around his body.


It was midnight and still no idea how the sugary was. Would he be okay. I need him to be here. He saved my life, I owe him every piece of damn body to him. I paced around the waiting room. I've already read all the People magazines. I finish the book I started a month ago. I hear doors up and I shot up, I sighed. It was just a guy entering the bathroom. I sat there for about another two hours. I was about half asleep when I head:

"Family of Shay Lid." I immediately shot out of seat.

"Yes I'm his sister," I lied.

"I'm sorry mam.....we weren't able to make the transfer successful. The time he died was 1:47 pm. Again I'm very sorry for your lost mam." I looked up at him, his white scubs covered in blood stains.

*End of flashback*

I screamed. I didn't want to be here. I could hear CC run over to be and hug me. He rubbed my back as I buried my crying figure into his chest.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't know that those memories were this bad," He kissed my forehead. About fifteen minutes later I had calmed down and was getting checked out.

"Well it seems you had fallen on one of your closest's hinges. It seems that it had interfered with one of your eye nerves. It's possible that it can cause blindness. It depends on how quickly the cells can heal the injury. I will prescribe some medication. You'll have to sign some forms back at the main desk. I will give you a call when your medication has been delivered to your local pharmacy." And with that he left. I look over to CC who has held my hand the entire time.

"Can we go now?" I voice still cracked from my dried throat.

"Sure, anything for you baby doll," he squeezed my hand. Did he just call me baby doll? Maybe I just imagined it. After signing and filling out forms, CC and me went back home.

"OMG LEIANNA ARE YOU OKAY!!" A screaming Emma pulled me into a big bear hug.

"I'm fine," I brush her off and walk to my bedroom. I closed my door and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My left eye was still red and you could see the cut that was fading a bit. I grabbed the counter. Blindness. I could go blind. No one would want me. No one.

"Lei? Lei?" I turn around and a very worry CC looked at me.

"CC....I don't want to go blind!!!" I started to cry. CC walked over to me and pulled me into one of his CC hugs. He just rubbed my back. I soon felt pretty droopy and my eyes lids got heavy.

"Goodnight baby girl," and with that I feel asleep in the arms of the boy I was falling for.



I closed Leianna's bedroom door. The poor thing cried herself to sleep, it was the second time! I found Emma on the couch with a RollingStones magazine in hand.

"Emma? Can I ask you something?" I sat across from her.

"Be my guest!" She places the magazine down and looked at me, straight in the eyes.

"Can I bring Leianna on tour with me?
I just can't have her here where she might be able to kill herself. And this Max dude trying to come get her, from what she tells me about him, this dude is no boyfriend. This bastard should be in fucking jail for what she's done to her!!!! I'm the only one who can protect her!!" I could tell I was gonna cry. Damnit when did I become a softy!!

"Calm down CC. First off, who's Max?"

"Wait. Leianna didn't tell you anything?"

"She never tells me anything from her past! Every time I bring it up she changes the subject. And how am I supposed to be her best friend when I can't help her!!!" Emma's eyes were getting all teary. I let out a sigh.

"Do you have classes tomorrow?"

"Just an night class, that's starts at 7:00 pm I believe." She crosses her legs.

"Alright. We're talking tomorrow. But for now she needs to sleep, it's been a pretty dramatic day for her." I pull my phone out my pocket. I should tell Andy that I'm not coming back to the hotel tonight. "Hey Emma, would it be cool if I crashed here tonight?"

"Be my guest, but your taking the couch," she yawns and heads off to her room. I pull up a new text message with Andy.
(A=Andy, C=CC)

C- hey not coming back to hotel tonight. Tell ash the room is his.

A- what's up dude? Something happen?

C- ya well I'm staying with someone who really needs me. Do we have a bunk to spare in the bus?

A- ya got a couple. You planning on having someone joining us?

C- maybe, she's in danger and I hate to leave her when she's in a state like she. I'm gonna go to bed. ttyl night.

I place my phone on the coffee table. I lay my head on one of the couch pillows. I feel asleep wondering what was going to happen the next day.

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