Darkness Over Takes the Light

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My alarm clock buzzed and buzzed!!! It was getting on my nerves so I hit it. Sending it flying to the floor, breaking into pieces.

"Good morning beautiful. Looks like someone decided to wake up," I look over to the door way. I squinted my eyes to see a figure.

"Get the fuck out of my room. I'm not even out of bed." I pull the blanket that was covering me over my head. I could hear foot steps coming towards my bed. "Get out!! I'm serious." I hear a chuckle. My blanket it was pulled out of my bed and I was picked up bridle style and was carried to the living room. I was screaming and kicking. Everything was blurry so that made it worst. "LET ME GO YOU DAMN PERVERT!" I scream.

"Leianna calm down. Yes Ashley is a man whore, but I don't think he's going to hurt you," I was set down on something comfy. Couch maybe?

"CC? Everything is blurry....." My voice started to quiver. I hear some shuffling of movements and I feel someone wrap there arms around me.

"Emma got a phone call from the pharmacy saying that your medicine was there. I had the guys pick it up when they came over here," CC helped me up and he guided me somewhere.

"Guys? Please don't tell me THEY are here?"

"Yes, it is THEM. Calm down. So apparently your medication is some sort of eye drops. The bottle says it supposed to reduce some symptoms and keeps your visions clean? Not sure, so let's get these bad boys a try." I nod my head. I lean my head back so he can drop the cold liquid in my eyes. "Okay all done," I blink a few times, for some reason everything comes clear again. I stare in the mirror.

"Holy shit!" I place my hand over my left eye. It was all blue and black. The cut was fading but you could still see it.

"Looks like you bruised it," CC places my "medication" in the cabinet. "What would you like for breakfast? Eggs and bacon? Yogurt?" He walks towards the kitchen.

"I can make my own breakfast CC, I'm not blind...well not yet," I say that last part quietly.

"I know. But I want too!! Please!!!" He starts begging like a child. I laugh.

"Fine just some toast and yogurt will be fine. I'm planning on heading over to the studio for a bit," I sit down at Emma's and my small dinning table.

"Ya we were heading over there too. I have to finish my drum-recording. What plans do you have there?"

"I just need to double check on some things," CC sets a plate of toast and a bowl of vanilla yogurt in front of me, "thanks!"

After putting the dishes away and getting dressed, all the boys including myself pile into CC's truck.

"Hey lei! And boys. What brings you here on a beautiful Tuesday?" Jason was filing some papers. I looked over into the storage closet. Jeez looks like someone is trying to organize it or is trying to make a mess.

"Just checking on some things," I say. To be honest I just wanted to be out of the house.

"I just came to see if you had time to finish up my drumming recording," CC sat down on the love seat.

"Ya sure thing, um Leianna. I burned some of the songs onto two disks. I believe they are in the safe in the main office. You know the lock combination. CC why don't you grab some drumsticks and we can begin." Jason sets down his files and walks over to the recording box and unlocks it. I walk out of the room and I headed out of the building. The main office is located at a smaller building in the back. I could swear I could hear footsteps behind me. I shake it off. I walk faster to the small building. As I reach the door I look behind me. No one was there. See your fine Leianna, it was probably just some leaves blowing around. I unlocked the little building. The door was dusty. I coughed a couple times. I push open the door to be found it complete darkness. I pull out my phone and place it on flashlight mode. I shine it around the room, hoping to spot the safe. I find it in the back right corner underneath a couple of rugs and blankets. I turn back and forth completing the combination. I open the small safe door to find old records and two plain CD's. I pick them up. I find that both of them have my name on them. Alright these are mine. I close the the safe door and cover it up again with the rugs and blankets. I walk out of the small building dodging piles a crap. He could have a garage sale, I think as I lock the building up again. I look down at the CD's in my hand. I'm almost there! I'm so close! Pretty soon I'll be just as big as Black Veil Brides! Maybe even bigger! As I walk back to the studio I hear footsteps again. As soon as I stop I was hit with some sort of object. Everything went black.

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