Anger over rises

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Leianna's Dream:
I sat in the dark room, the door was locked, and window as well. I sat on the edge of the twin bed that was chained to the floor. God I was such an ass for going out with him. I was so blind folded by this damn feeling called love. I slammed my fist to the bed pole in anger. I scream in frustration. I hear the door click and in walked Max, but he wasn't alone. Three other male figures were behind him. They all had these smirks on their faces. Even a two year old could figure this night was going to be filled with nothing but pain.

End of dream:
I woke up to the smell of coffee. I slowly opened my eyes, as the light caught it I let out a quiet moan.

"Looks like someone is awake," I turned my head to face Jason with a cup of coffee in his hand. He handed my the cup, "how you feeling Lei. you were flinching and wincing in your sleep, another bad dream?

"Ya. They never seem to stop," I grabbed the cup. Hmm....pumpkin spice coffee, "where did you get the coffee?"

He chuckles, "the kitchen, I was planning on heading over to Starbucks, but I couldn't leave you alone."

"Thanks. I'm going to head to the bathroom," Jason gives me a concern look, "I'm not going to do anything, I have to pee! I can't believe I had to say that!!! You dirty freak!" I hear him chuckling as I make my way down the hallway where the woman's restroom is. I open the door to find no one is there. I let out a sigh. I walk over to the mirror. I look up to see my reflection. My make-up was all over my face. My eyes were all red and swelled up. I turn the faucet on, I sprayed the cold water on my face, making sure to get off all the make-up. When I was done washing up I turn the faucet off. My hands tightly grip the side of the sink. I felt anger boil up inside me. I look again in the mirror. I was ugly. Why did Max want me? He probably couldn't get one of the jockey girls to be his girlfriend so he picked on me. The girl who was desperate for love. I was nothing to him. I was just his goddamn sex slave. The one girl to let his anger out on. I felt tears crawling down my cheeks. I felt my anger rise and rise. I took my fist and in a matter of seconds I loud shatter echoed around the bathroom. I screamed in anger. I was furious. Glass flew everywhere. I look at my hands to see blood was on them.
There was blood in my arms as well. I sinked to the floor hugging my knees crying. I heard the bathroom door open and a pair of shoes walked towards me. I started screaming as I remembered how Max's "friends" would walk towards me and grab me and "play" with me. I backed away while my hands tightly gripped my hair. "GET AWAY FROM ME, GO AWAY. MAX GO AWAY!!!!" I was screaming and crying. I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I didn't care who they were, I placed my head in their chest and cried. They slowly and calmly took my hands off my hair. I could tell my body was shaking. I slowly calmed down. I looked up to see who was holding me. My eyes grew wide.

"CC?" I quickly escape from his arms and back away, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...." He gets up and walks over to me, I start to blush, "CC you do know your in the woman's restroom."

"Ya, I know, Leianna, what the fuck happened back there?" I back myself against the door. "Please, Leianna! Look at me. I need to know. I can't help you if I don't know what happened," he walks up to me and holds his hand out. I slowly take it. This is the first guy to calm me down when my anger over rises. Jason can't and he's the the closest friend I have. Jason is more of a father to me, he taught me guitar, he was the one who's helping me out with my pre-demo. CC leads us out of the woman's restroom and back into the lounge where Jason is watching tv.

"Leianna!!!! What were you doing in there? You told me......." He looks at CC, "hey man, long time no see. What were you doing with Lei?" Jason gets that smile on his face, you could tell he was thinking something....dirty.

"Jason, it's not like that," I look away from his gaze.

"Then would you care to explain the blood all over your hand and arms," he sits down on the love seat. I forgot about my hands and arms. I curse under my breath.

"I'll take care of it Jason, um...while I clean her up, Jinxx and Jake were wondering if they can leave their portable recording amps here. I said I would come over and ask you. I had to grab some drum sticks I left here anyway," CC explains to Jason.

"Ya sure, I make some space in my storage cabinets. And I don't have my emergency kit, Jacob borrowed it yesterday for something." Jason says as he walks into the large closet where we hold all are amps and equipment.

"Nah that's cool, I have one in my car, I'll return your princess back to you in a bit," I chuckle at that last part. I am no princess, there's no way in hell I'd make a good princess. CC leads me out of the back door of the studio. The parking lot was pretty much empty. Besides three cars, Jason's red mini van (because he has kids and a wife back home), my little black Jeep. In the way back row was a black truck. Toyota maybe? (Sorry I don't know what CC's car is, just go with it lol) He unlocks the truck and he leads me to the back seats. He opens a little compartment in the trucks flooring. He pulls out a clear box with the label of 'emergency kit'.

"Okay, roll your sleeves up. I just clean off the blood and see what damage the glass did to you," I slowly roll my sleeves up forgetting about my scars. CC stares at my arms.

"What?" I ask. I then looked down and saw my scars. I quickly roll my sleeves down and cross my arms.

"Leianna. What were those?" He looks at me. He places the box on the seat behind him and he takes his hand in mine.

"What was what?" Just hoping he would cut off the conversation.

"Leianna don't play dumb with me, I saw the scars. Now tell me how they got there," I roll my sleeves up and place my arms in front of him. He carefully dabs water on the cuts to wash the blood off. And while he does that, I tell him about the scars.

"Max would do all kind of things at me. If I disobeyed him, I was whipped till blood was on the floor. He would cut me but not too deep. Scars began to form all over my body," I lift my shirt up so he could scars on my stomach from being whipped, "these scars are everywhere, so I mostly wear sweatshirts or ripped jeans. I really hate my body, it's ugly, it's so beat up. Emma always ask about my scars but I just change the subject. I hate talking to her about my past. It hurts to keep these things from her, but I'm only protecting myself from more sympathy from people. After I escaped from Max, I was kicked out of the house I lived in for my whole life. I wasn't even aloud to step on the street my house was on. So I ran to Emma's house. I have never done self harm to myself. It was always Max doing it for me," I look at CC to see tears in his eyes, "CC don't cry over this, it's not worth it. The past is in the past. I'm staring fresh." I wipe his tears away. He looks up at me blushing. I then noticed what I did, I quickly turn my head the other way blushing. I hear CC chuckle. He finishes wrapping my arm with some bandaging.


"Yes CC?" I place my sleeves back down to cover the bandages.

"Your really beautiful, and don't EVER think that you are not. And trust me those scars are not making your body look beat up or ugly. They show your battle story, they show how brave and strong you were during the battle. And that you didn't go farther." I could hear his voice crackle, "and don't worry about this Max guy, he just sounds like a badass guy who needs some serious help! Jason, the rest of the band, and myself are here to protect you. We won't let him touch you again. Not the way he's treated you in the past." My eyes are filled with tears. Finally, I guy who cares. But can I trust him, I know CC and Ashley go off to bars and strip clubs (not sure CC does), he's got millions of fangirls...I'm one of them. He would love me.....would I love him? I'm just one of his damn fangirls. I'm sure CC had a girlfriend already, I mean come on, he's talented, hot, he's got the childish act (which everyone loves), he's so perfect. Maybe not in everyone's minds they think that. I'm not saying that because he's successful in a music career! God now I sound like a real fangirl. Leianna! Snap out of it, I think to myself as CC locks his truck. Will I ever fall in love again?

(A.N- hey guys really sorry I haven't been on lately, lots of things are happening. School, boys, well now it's Christmas vacation!! Hopefully I'll get another chapter in!! Sorry there might be some mistakes. I sort of did this in a hurry, I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer!!! Thanks guys!!!)

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