Sleeping Beauty is Awake

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CC took me to a nearby park that was only a few mile from downtown Chicago.

"CC what are we doing here?" I shut the trucks door.

"I don't know, you tell me!" I look at him confused. He laughs, "we're just going to enjoy nature for awhile." I stare in amazement. I thought CC would bring me to bars and stuff. But a park? Is this really the CC I know from Black Veil Brides? I'm pulled out of thoughts of CC grabbing my hand and making me walk towards the corner of the park. I was going to ask him again where we were going, but I froze up. Multiple gazebo's surrounded a small pond with lily pads floating in it. I family of ducks making their way around the area. I almost felt like I was going to cry, it was so beautiful.

"Beautiful, uh," I look over to a smiling CC.

"Omg CC! How did you find this place?" I stood there in awe.

"One of my girlfriend took me here on are year anniversary," he almost sounded proud of it. I don't if he was proud of the girlfriend or the park. I walk over to one of the gazebo's and sit in it. I look around. A family of four playing in the grass. A woman and her husband, and a baby stroller. The family of ducks. The gazebo next to us had a young couple in it, they were smiling, they seemed happy. My smile faded. CC most of noticed as well. "What's up Lei?" I wanted to look up into his eyes so bad, but I knew if I did, I would cry. I didn't want to seem weak.

"N-nothing." I looked away from all the families and couples. "Can we go CC?" I got up and headed towards the car, not letting CC get to his response. I could hear CC run after me. We both got into the truck. It was silent the whole time. We reached a small bar on the outskirts of downtown Chicago.

"A bar?" I look over at CC.

"Don't worry it's just a normal bar, I just want to have lunch here, then maybe see a movie if your up to it?" I nodded and we both walked into the bar.

"That was really good," I push away my plate. My stomach was completely full. CC just laughs,"what?"

"I have never....never in life met a girl who could eat a whole goddamn king size burger!!" He was turning red from laughing.

"CC? Is the alcohol getting to you?" Trust me I hate drunk people, since I nearly died from one. I mean I don't care as long as they are super drunk. It just gets on my nerves, as well as cancer. Since I lost my best friend to it.

"Leianna, no. I only had once glass a beer, trust me it would take me multiple of glasses to get me even the slightest bit of drink," he looked at me. I looked at him worried, "don't worry I'm not planning on getting drunk."

CC pays the bill and we leave. As we made are way to the parking lot behind the bar, I feel the need to throw-up. I run to a nearby bush and pretty much throw up my whole lunch. While that was happening, someone had lifted my hair and was patting my back. I cough a couple times and whip my mouth and lean back up. CC looks at me, you could tell he was worried.

"Probably just a upset stomach," I say to him trying to make him realize I'm fine.

"Okay but let's head back to your place, just in case," he takes my hand in his and blush a bit. We make are way to the truck and drive back to the apartment.

The apartment was dark, showing that Emma was still at the campus. I pull my boots off. I walk to the bathroom. I must've left the cabinet open. I rummage around in it till I find the Advil bottle. I take 2 of them and head back to the living room. I find CC laying on the couch watching something.

"Whatcha watching," I walk over to are LazyBoy chair and curls up on it.

"Um......." He flips to the menu, "I believe it's called Alaska State Troopers. I don't know, it was on, and nothing good else was on."

"I remember this show. My dad watched it all the time when I lived with my parents. My dad was the town sheriff," I wasn't very proud of it. I could never do anything I wanted. I always had to be a good impression for my dad. I had to be normal. I didn't want to be normal. I wanted to be weird, crazy, I just wanted to have fun.

"Oh man that's rough. I'm assuming you really couldn't get get away with anything then?" He turned the volume down so he could hear my response.

"You hit the nail. I had to be this normal kid, I always had to make these perfect impressions on people just to brainwash people so they had liked my dad," I look outside to see the sun setting.

"Is he still the sheriff?" CC turns the t.v. off and looks over at me.

"No, he retired a year before I left. Since I left I haven't really heard anything recalling anything about my family," I get up and heads towards the kitchen hoping to find some leftovers. There was nothing in their. "CC, you up for pizza?"

"Sure! To save time and money I'll just go to the pizza place a few blocks away," he gets up from the couch and walks to the door to place his leather boots on. He checks his pocket for his wallet and keys. "Alright it shouldn't take to long, maybe less then a half an hour," he walks towards to the door and unlocks it.

"Alright! I get the table set! Get whatever pizza you want," I say as I take three plates from the cabinet. CC leaves and I set the table. I leave a extra spot just in case Emma comes home early. Last Monday she didn't get home till eleven. As I set down the last glass my phone buzzes. Great! Probably just Emma telling me weather she's coming home or staying late. But it wasn't her number, unknown number. Uh oh.

Unknown number: hey bby, almost 2 Chi. where are you hiding?? Can't wait to see you. I met new friends who'd like to met u.

I froze. No. I-it's Max. I drop my phone, my eyes grew wide, I started to shake and sweat. He's coming for me. I don't him coming for me. I don't want to be what I was before. I want him i jail. I start to panic and run into my room, locking myself in my closet crying and shaking.



God it took forever to get one goddamn pizza. A couple fans came up to me. I signed a girls bra. For some reason it was weird. I know before I had no problem doing it, but now it almost feels like I'm betraying someone. Like Leianna. Do I like her? I shake it out of my head as I make my way to my truck with the pizza in hand.

As I reached her apartment door, I knocked softly. But no answer, not even footsteps. "Leianna, I have the pizza, please open up." Still no answer. By then I was pounded in the door. I ended up using a hair pin that I found and unlocked the door using it. I raced into the kitchen. She wasn't there. She wasn't in the living room or the bathroom. I walk into her room. Damn it's neat! I hear soft whimpers coming from the closet. "Leianna......." I open the closet doors to find her body curled up in the corner, her eyes were red and puffy from crying. I could feel my heart just break seeing her. I run back to the kitchen and place the pizza in the oven. I run back to her room, I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the living room. The whole time she was mumbling things to herself that I couldn't understand. I lay her body on the couch and sit next to her by her head. She just stares up at the ceiling. "Leianna?" I say softy. She looks up at me. She just burst out crying. I pick her up and place her on my lap. I rub her back trying to calm her.

"H-he's c-c-coming." Those are all the words to said before she fell asleep in my arms. I carry her back to her room and lay her on the bed. I cover her up with a blanket. I close her door. Who's coming? Oh ya, that Max dude. I sit on the couch. I notice her phone on the floor. I pick it up. What the? A message caught my eyes. I read it over and over. Oh shit!! I place the phone next to me. I put my hands in my head. What was I going to do? What if I brought her on tour? So many questions race through my head. I want to protect her, but I don't know how!!

(A.N- hey guys!! Got another one in yay! I hit 100 views. Thanks so much! I hope the CC pov was good! I think I might be able to sneak another chapter in tonight or maybe tomorrow. I head back to school soon. So that might limit my chances of publishing. But ill try my best!! Thanks guys for reading!!)

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