He Knows.

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I woke up to sunlight beaming through my window. I groan as my eyes catch one of the sun beams.

"EMMA!!!!!" I yelled her name. I wasn't surprise when she came running into my room with only sweatpants and her bra on. I laugh.

"Not funny Lei what do you want," she places her hands on her hips and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Can I use the car today. I'm heading over to the studio and might be there for awhile. It depends on how busy it is," I roll out of bed and walk over to my dresser.

"Fine. I'll take the bus. But do you think it will be busy? It's a fucking Sunday!" She yells at me as she walks to her room to finish getting dressed.

"Well it might be. I don't know who Jason has to see today. I'll probably text you if it's busy or not," I place some black leggings on and I Motionless in White tank top on. I make my way to our small apartment kitchen.

"Alright I'm leaving, I might head to the park after class to take some photos, but plan on leftovers or pizza for dinner," Emma places her purse over her shoulder. "Cya." I grab a strawberry pop tart. I grab my shoulder bag over my shoulder and grab the keys to are Jeep. I head to the bathroom just to make sure my hair was okay. My phone buzzes. I look at the text. From an unknown number? I read it.

Hey baby. I know where are. Your parents sure like to spill over money. I'm coming for you and will finish what we started. -Max

M-Max! I drop my phone. It can't be. No no. I pick my phone up and quickly places it in my purse and hurry out the door forgetting to lock it. I jump in the Jeep racing to the studio.

"JASON!!!! JASON," at this point I was yelling his name. I race into the studio.

"In here sweetheart," I ignore the 'sweetheart' and race into the lounge.

"JASON!!! He knows where I am. He's coming to get me. I don't want him to find me!!!! What if he finds me? Omg what am I going to do," I pace around the room in circles. I feel two hands gently placed on my shoulder. I look around to face Jason.

"Who's coming after you?" He's eyes were filled with anger.

"Max. He knows I'm here. H-he bribed my parents," my voice shakes. He pulls me into a hug. I then notice the present of other people. I turn around. I couldn't believe it. B-Black Veil B-Brides! "Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll just head off to the recording room Jason," I hurry off to the room. I hear footsteps following me. Probably just Jason seeing if I'm alright. I turn around. "I'm fine Jason. Just leave me alone," but it wasn't Jason. It was CC. "Omg I'm sorry! I thought you were James......" But CC cut me off by giving me a bear hug. "CC?"

"Hi Leianna, haven't seen you for awhile," he remembered my name! "What happened back there?"

"It was nothing," I lied. A lot of things were going on. Things that Emma doesn't even know.

"Come on Leianna. We both know it's nothing," I pull away from his hug. He just stares at me.

"Fine. But you can't tell the others," CC leads me the recording room he shuts the door and locks it. I sit on the love seat with my knees up to my chest. CC sits next to me.

"Okay so I'll start from the beginning. I wasn't born in Chicago. I was originally born in Wisconsin. I grew up a normal life till middle school. I started to listen to heavy metal and punk rock. My mom is very christen. She disliked the music I listen too. I just wanted to be myself but I couldn't. I was a good student, had mostly A's and B's. But since I listened to heavy metal and music like that, my parents thought it would effect my grade. But it didn't. So during high school I new student came to see school. His name was Max Linz. He was good guy, so I became friends with him. We started shopping together and hanging out. But one day he asked me out. I said yes, because I don't get asked out by many guys. But about three months into are relationship he started to change. He turned dirty. More dirty then Ashley. He started to force me to have sex with him. He would beat me every night. He turned into a alcoholic. It was one night, he locked me in a spare bedroom. I sat in the corner. I told myself I had to get out of here. Luckily there was a window in the room. Of course it was locked as well. I believed I unlocked it with one of my bobby pins. He was living in a one story house so I didn't really have to jump. I ran and ran," I felt my eyes tear up and my voice crackled. CC just listened and squeezed my hand. I continued,"I ran to my best friends house, Emma. She welcomed me in and she took me up to her room immediately. I told her everything. I stayed with her for a couple days. School had ended and Emma took a collage offer down in Chicago, here. I asked if I could come with her. My parents didn't believed me when I told them about Max and how he would harm and rape me. I had to get away from my parents, from Max, I just had to get out of the state. Emma agreed and here I am now," I tried to laugh but it came out as a weird sound. CC hugged me and pulled me close to him. At that moment everything I had held over these few mouths, fled from my eyes. I probably cried for about half an hour. CC just rocked me back and forth and held me showing no signs of letting go. After I started to calm down, my eyelids felt heavy, in a matter of seconds I feel asleep in CC's arms.

(A.N.- hey guys sorry I haven't been posting much. Schoolwork is getting in the way!!! Sorry it's short!!!)

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