Where is she?

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Emma P.O.V

Where the hell is Leianna!!! After I saw that she wasn't near the stage, at first I though maybe she went to the bathroom. But she didn't come back. Now I was worried. I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Emma: Hey where are you??

After 15 minutes there still wasn't a reply. Now I was freaking out!! I texted her constantly.

*after show, at meet & greet*

I stood in line texting Leianna. She has to pick up soon, I think. I kept staring at my phone not knowing it was my turn in line to meet the guys. Someone gives me a little shove. I look back to the girl who tilts her head towards the line. I then notice it was my turn.

"Oh. Sorry," I make my way over to Jake who was first.

"Hey, I'm Jake. Even though I'm pretty sure you know who I am," he chuckles. I hand him one of photos I took from the concert, I'd like to get the photo signed by them. Extra credit, maybe?

"Wow this photo is amazing. Did you take this?" He asked.

I nod, "Ya I did. I'm a collage student. It was one of my assignments to get a photo of you guys playing," I say proudly.

"Cool, well good luck with your studies," Jake says and passes it down to Ashley who was signing a chicks bra. After I met with Ashley, Jinxx, and Andy, I walked over to CC. He greeted me with a smile.

"Hello! I'm CC," he says. I giggle. I was about to ask CC a question when I woman came up behind CC and whispered into his ear. I heard something about a girl on there tour bus. Man that girl is one lucky chick. I wonder if it's one of Ashley's girls. "Sorry," CC's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He quickly signed my photo and I moved away so other fans could talk to him. I walk out of the venue buzzing with happiness, 'till I remember about Leianna. I quickly pull out my phone to see no new messages. "Well I better start looking for her," I walked down the street keeping my eyes peeled for my best friend.

Leianna's P.O.V

Shit. I've looked everywhere for her. I ran down all the streets around the venue. And now I was relaxing on a bench at a small park a few blocks away from the venue. I'm felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I then realize how dumb I was. Why didn't I just text her!! I face palm myself and quickly pull out my phone.

Emma: Leianna where are you. Your scaring me!!!

Leianna: sorry. I'll explain later I'm at a park a few blocks away from the venue. I'll text you the address

I text Emma the address and place my phone on my lap. I was exhausted. About a half a hour passed, I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turn my body to face Emma. Her eyes were red from crying. I hugged her tight.

"I'm so sorry Emma!! I'm sorry I scared you!! Let's go home," she nods in agreement and we head for our car which was luckily parked near by.

As we walked into the front door of our apartment, Emma went and sat in the couch, signing me to home sit next to her. I did as she pleased.

"You have a lot to tell me missy!" Her eyes are sparkly with curiosity and her smile grew bigger and bigger. I sighed.

"Well...." I tell her everything. The man, how drunk he was, how he choked me, how I woke up to find I was on the BVB tour bus. I told her every detail of my evening. After I was done she just stood there, and stared at me. And just when I was about say something else. She screamed. I didn't have time to place my hands over my ears.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! YOU MET BVB AND WAS ON THEIR TOUR BUS!!!!" I nod and she screams louder. She is such a fangirl. I laugh and stand up.

"I'm going to bed, you should do the same. You have classes tomorrow," I let out a long yawn and shut my bedroom door. I quickly change into a oversize batman t-shirt and just some black sweatpants. I climb into my bed and fall into a deep sleep. Not knowing what tomorrow would bring me.

(A.N- hey guys!! Did you guys like it?? Please comment if I should continue! I know it sucks but I promise it will get better!!)

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