Ellie's pov
The next morning I was awake early. I needed to talk to Elijah. Yesterday we spend the whole day talking about their family and the real curse. I thought about the curse. The first doppelganger was alive after the curse was put on Klaus. What if he only needs a few drops of blood for it to break the curse? I know a thing or two about psychotic mothers. If their mother hated him so much, she will make it harder for him then necessary to break the curse.
Now all I need to do, is to inform Elijah. And maybe we can convince Klaus that not to kill Elena.I have been trying to contact Elijah, but he was not answering. I decided to call Caroline and ask her if she knows what happened with Elena last night. "Hey Care Bear. Do you know what happened with Elena last night?"
"I think John Gilbert got a dagger of some sort from Isobel. They used it on Elijah last night. Not sure why though. Me and Matt are having trouble. But tonight I am going to have a girls night with Elena and Bonnie. Please join us."
I let out a small gasp at that. I saw him last night. How did this happen? "Sorry Care. Me and Dad have a house guest. Some other time."
I felt something wet under my eyes. It was leaking. Elijah did nothing to them. Now he was gone and in pain. From what I was told, those silver daggers hurt.
It was 3 am. What am I suppose to do? Elijah said if something happened to him, I should just wait. The witches has a plan to help him, but it might take a while. They were told to stay low if the 'Save Elena' gang goes rogue. How stupid are they?
I started baking some vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting. Enzo need to try new things. He has a lot to learn still.
3rd person's pov
As the clock strike 8 am, Ellie already made vanilla cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, fudge and chocolate mousse.
As the two men woke up, they smelled a heavenly aroma in the house. They followed it and found a kitchen full of baked goods. And a girl eating away her problems. Damon was very confused, Ellie was fine last night. What could possibly happen in one night?
"Little Bear. Leave some cupcakes for the rest of us." She gave me a small smile. Something big happened.
"I made some baked goods for Enzo to try." They turned and already saw Enzo eating fudge.
"I don't know what this is, but it is amazing." They laughed and explain what everything was. Damon bit the bullet and asked her,"What happened?"
"Someone daggered Elijah. I don't know where he is. He said that his witches will help him if something happened and that I should not get involved."
Damon gave her a hug, knowing that she needed it. She did start to really care for the man, even if she is struggling to admit it. "Everything will be okay. I will find out what happened."
Enzo and Ellie were watching movies and eating binge eating before Damon left to the Boarding house.
"What is she doing here?" Damon entered Stefan's room ad saw two doppelgängers. Today is just turning out to be so fun.
"When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the her from the tomb." Stefan answered her. "Where is Elijah now? And why did nobody told me about the plan?"
Stefan seemed a bit guilty for not involving him in the plan,"Elijah is at the lake house. Bonnie put a spell on it so nobody can get him out. You were busy and just tortured the other day. You needed to spend some time with Ellie."
Elena glared at Katherine, not wanting her near Stefan,"I don't want you here. Get her out of here."
"You need me, Elena. You all do. We all want the same thing... Klaus dead. Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off."
Damon left the house and went to the apartment with the witches. He knocked on the door for a few minutes. No answer. "Hey. It's your boss's soulmates dad. I have information."
They finally opened the door and invited him in. He told them about all the information he has and what happened.
Ellie felt a rage in her heart. She wanted revenge. She does not know what to do. She wants Elena to be hurt and in pain, but not dead. She know Jenna knows nothing and that bothers her. She needs to know about the supernatural. Her niece is basically a magnet for death.
Two birds with one stone.
Ellie invited her over. She packed her some treats and made like a vampire repellent pack, vervain pepper spray, verain anklets and bracelets and vervain tea.
Enzo went to his room and gave them privacy. They sat on the couch, making small talk. Now or never.
"Elena has been lying to you. A lot of people are lying to you." Poor Jenna looked confused and said,"What do you mean? I know everyone is keeping something from me. "
"It's complicated. I am only telling you so you can be safe. Damon, Caroline and Stefan are vampires. Elena is a doppelgänger. Someone looks exactly like her. That person is Katherine, she's a vampire. She compelled you to stab yourself before the Masquerade ball. Mason is a werewolf. Vervain can protect you from compulsion, basically mind control from vampires." Ellie rambled, trying to tell her the footnotes.
Jenna looked in disbelief. She grabbed the Tupperware and the gift and left.
That could have gone better.
Jenna's pov
That girl is crazy. Vampires do not exist. She probably had a stroke or something. At least that girl can bake. I have been eating everything she gave me.
I went downstairs after a while and found the three girls chatting in the kitchen. They suddenly got quiet when I entered the room. Nothing big is happening. They are just teenagers with normal teenage problems. "What are you guys doing?"
Elena answered, trying to act normal,"We are just hanging out. Talking about Caroline and Matt's relationship. We are going to the Grill later if you want to come with."
I slightly shook my head and replied,"No, you guys have fun. I am planning on staying in."
I was in the kitchen, eating ice cream. Elena joins me and I ask her,"Are John and Jeremy asleep?"
Elena nodded and then the door's bell rang. I got uo and went to the door,"Who's that at this hour?"
A lady that kinda looks like Elena stood at the door," Hi. You must be Jenna...I'm... Elena's mother"
Elena was next to me and I cannot believe this is true. Ellie was not lying.

A Kind Girl | N. & E. Mikaelson
FanfictionElisabeth Green. In the magical underworld, away from humans. When she was born, every fairy knew she was powerful. Everyone was excited to see her powers bloom. Well mostly everyone. She ended up in the woods. Alone and scared. Will she survive t...