"J, can you just occupy madam here? She's been bickering all day.. I just need to go relieve Stephen and Gina from Pip." Sure thing doll. Lottie, will you come in here?" Johnny said to his middle daughter. "But Pops... I want to go out on the stage again!!" "Well you can't sweetness, the crowd are starting to arrive and I promise you'll get scared when you see all their faces staring back at you." "Scared??" The 6 year old scoffed. "Yes it's very daunting being up there and having everyone scream and shout for you." He said sipping his coffee and sitting down beside her. "I'm not scared. I'm a big girl." Lottie said proudly. "Well you may think you wouldn't be scared but what about the other night when I had to look for Krakens under the bed? Hmm?" He said looking at her with a twinkle in his eye knowing she adored proving everybody wrong. "Well you did say you KNEW Captain Jack and therefore KNEW how to deal with Krakens Daddy?!" She said bashfully. "Ok, ok, bad example.. what about when you let go of Mummy's hand the other day and ran off and then couldn't find us? You were scared then weren't you? If it hadn't of been for me, you could still be living in the woods!" "Well Daddy.. Mummy didn't let me ride the horses so I was bored!!" "You couldn't ride the horses because there wasn't a pony available. Remember Granny said next time she will call ahead for you but even still there is no need to run off is there?" "Ok fine so I was a little scared then Papa." "See.. so you definitely don't want to be scared on that big stage all by yourself do you?" He said nudging her little knee. "But.." "but?" He said as he finished his coffee knowing the set was going to start soon. "I want to be just like you Daddy." Johnny smiled incredibly touched by her words. "Oh darling, you're so much like Daddy without knowing. You care so much for everyone you love, that's why you give all your siblings a hard time isn't it? You look just like him, with your big beautiful eyes.. you are always tardy and sleepy in the mornings, that's just like Daddy." Holly giggled from the doorway with Pippa on her hip. Lottie's eyes widened. "Am I?" "Yes.. you know when I first met Daddy he would sleep until gone lunchtime! Can you believe that?" Holly said wandering in and sitting down next to Johnny. "What about my nose is that like Daddy's?" "Yes.. in fact I'm pretty sure you have Grandpa Depp's nose." Holly giggled. "What about my brain. Is my brain like Daddy?" Holly looked at Johnny and smiled. "Goodness yes." she smirked. "How about my hair?" Lottie said twirling a strand. "Ha. That's all Mummy, see you've got the best bits of Mummy and Daddy, my little love monkey." Johnny said leaning in and kissing both his children on the head. "You're all incredibly perfect." He added. Holly smiled as Johnny stood and began to get ready, she saw him look around a little lost. "Jacket is on the back of the door. Picks are on the table, and you need to change your top." She said sweetly. "Ha.. Daddy you're definitely not like Mummy. She always knows where our things are!!!" Pippa squealed. "Doesn't she just?" Johnny said as he pulled at his tee and donned another shirt. He caught his wife's eye as he finished pulling it on. "Like what you see Hols?" "From the day I met you Mr D." Holly smiled standing and taking her eldest child's hand before they made their way to the wings of the stage.
The Ultimate Gentleman One Shots
FanficJust random snippets that have come to me, and necessarily fit in with the long term story. If you read The Ultimate Gentleman this will make a lot more sense.