"Ok, I'm here I'm here. I have to leave at 2:30pm though, the traffic is awful and Teddy will be in a foul mood if we are not at his match on time." Holly rushed in looking every inch the executive in her black pencil skirt, cream coloured blouse and large handbag. She pushed her shades on her head and put her hands on her hips. "Are you ready?" She asked her sheepish brother. "Yes every partner is in the board room." Johnny nodded before kissing his wife's cheek. "Go get em baby." He whispered making her smile softly. This was not a conversation she wanted to have but as her brother Ben was in court in New York, it fell on her shoulders as a silent partner in the family's law firm. She was just thankful that her husband and eldest brother Adam would be there to support her.
Grabbing her files a few moments later she headed to the infamous board room where her father had dealt with some of the biggest cases of her career. Since he had fallen unwell the Autumn prior, standards had slipped. It wasn't Ben's fault but now they were about to deal with a full on revolt by some senior partners who knew better but thought they were entitled to take over. She walked into the board room flanked by her eldest brother and the most loyal partner to her father a man called Edward. The door slammed against the wall making an impact silencing everyone and at that precise moment she didn't care. She meant business.
"Ms Walton.. what a pleasure." the slime ball newest partner Pete said with a smirk. "It's Mrs Depp actually.. and is it a pleasure? Because from where I'm stood. It's far from it." She said slowly wandering round the room and standing at the end of the large table. "From where I'm stood, it's a rather unpleasant notion entirely." Most of the men in the room began to sink in their chairs. "Which leads me to my first point. I may be a silent partner in this firm, but I have earned the respect of the most prestigious lawyers in this country by hard work and dedication and therefore I will be treated with the same entitlement and dignity that any of you are. Woman or not." Adam took a deep breath from beside her knowing his sister could handle things. "So would anyone like to speak up and inform us, three of the most senior members of staff other than Mr Ben Walton what is going on?! Because when I receive a phone call from a close acquaintance claiming that their firm had been offered over 50% of not only our companies cases but the board too, I tend to get a tad concerned." Holly began firmly. She spotted Johnny through the glass door pacing around her office. "Well.." somebody began making her eyebrows raise, she had not expected a response in the slightest. "If you've got something to say Turner out with it." Adam said furiously. "It, was made clear by some members of staff if we didn't go along with the suggested plan we may lose out." "Lose out?" Holly asked curiously. "Yes. It's quite evident that with the unsettling recent years from your father handing over to Ben that some of the more senior members of staff felt he was undeserving of the role." This made Adam rub his jaw angrily. "Oh and because all of you sat here clearly are upholding members of staff who value the company and it's loyalty.. by essentially throwing it under the bus." He said loudly. Holly took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second before opening them, she calmly said "This is getting us nowhere. If you're claiming you were by in any way pressured by those around you or those within the firm then that needs to be dealt with. Starting now. One to one's will be held in an hour. In my office and Tommy we will start with you." A man who was around Holly's age looked up nervously and nodded. The woman then marched out the room and into her office with her brother following.
"So?" Johnny asked nervously. "They claim that a member of senior staff pushed for it, well you can damn well be certain I'm going to find out who. Even if I have to drag it out of them... darling this is going to take a while, why don't you go on to the studio?" She said placing a hand on his upper arm. "Are you sure?" He asked tenderly. "Hey I'll take care of her don't you worry. Not that she needs it." Adam smirked from the corner. "Well I guess unless I wanna be a kept man I better go earn us some dollars hey?" Johnny tipped his fedora. "Mi'lady" he kissed her passionately before waving at Adam. "I'll be back once she has put the world right." Adam chuckled before sending his brother in law on his way.

The Ultimate Gentleman One Shots
FanfictionJust random snippets that have come to me, and necessarily fit in with the long term story. If you read The Ultimate Gentleman this will make a lot more sense.