Family Vacation 🏝️

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Johnny, Lily-Rose and Jack had been out on the jet skis for most of the morning and after multiple complaints from a 7 year old Lottie, Johnny had finally persuaded Holly to allow their daughter to join in. "I swear I'll take good care of her, I won't even go that fast." He had said as he carried her into the surf, life jacket clad, and instructed her to sit in between his thighs, his body providing the ultimate shield for her first born baby.

That left the mother on the beach of the Bahamas island with her four year old Pippa and 10 month old Teddy. It was Spring break, and it had been a long time since it had just been the family of 7 on the island so Johnny and Holly had snapped up the chance to just be a family away from every day life.

"Ted, don't eat the sand." Holly said sat beside her children, who had been happily making sandcastles until the noise of the jet skis had distracted them once more. Johnny waved from about 50ft out, and Pip and Ted squealed and waved back. "Mummy he's doing it again. He's putting sand in his mouth!" Pippa said before going back to arranging her new found shell collection. "Ted.. what did Mumma say.. No!" She pulled her baby boy onto her lap away from the sand, but also to steal a cuddle. He was fast growing up, and quickly advancing. He was so desperate to keep up with his siblings, they had no doubt he would be on the move soon.

"Mummy.. when Daddy gets back, can he read me a story?" Holly smiled. Pippa was their shy, quieter pickle, she shared both hers and Johnny's passion for literature already, and had a wild imagination. "Of course he can sweet pea. You know he would have missed you." "Not Ted. Just me." Pippa said with a beaming smile. "Well you know a lot of the time you need to share both Mommy and Daddy but I have a feeling perhaps today it can be just you and Papa." Holly said knowing Johnny enjoyed little dates with all of his children, big or small.

"When will Ted get to go on the ski jets?" Lottie asked a while later as Holly helped her out the wet life jacket. The child's hair was completely windswept with Salt and Sand. "Goodness not for a while young lady. You're lucky you're allowed on." Holly smirked. "I'm not a baby Mummy!" "I know you're not, however you'll always be my little girl." Holly said before wrapping a towel around the child. "Now go over to the shower with Jack and rinse off. We don't need the sand in the house." "Ok Mummy.." she said before running over, her towel over her shoulders like a cape.

"Well that was fun." Johnny said approaching after tying off the jet skis. "Certainly looked it my love." Holly said as she scooped up Teddy onto her hip from the blanket on the beach. "You look happy. Relaxed." Holly beamed. "I am, what more could I possibly ask for? A happy beautiful family, two weeks on this paradise. Away from everyone and everything..." he lent into kiss his wife before hearing "Dadddy!!!!!" He rolled his eyes jovially "Yes my little cherub?" He bent down to Pippa who had  sand all over her. "Mummy says you will read with me later." "Of course I will petal, but right now I think we ALL need a shower before dinner ok?" "Ok..." she said taking his hand before he stood up. "You can join me if you like?" He said directly to his wife quietly but seductively.

"Johnny.. the idea of showering together was to save time, not keep the kids waiting." Holly whispered as they heard the children laughing and chattering loudly in the living area. Ted was on his father's hip. The large glass doors were thrown open, and the two little pickles were sat with their elder siblings chatting. "Mumma!! I'm starving." Lottie smirked upon finally seeing her parents emerge. "Ok pipe down little one.." Holly said. "We're grilling out tonight. Papa is in charge." The mother made her way into the kitchen with her step daughter and they piled up food to take to the outdoor kitchen.

Much much later, Teddy was asleep in Johnny's lap, with a light blanket over him, Lottie was sat animatedly in between Jack and Lily, yet rubbing her eyes a lot, whilst Pippa was cuddling with her mother. Vacation days always took it out of the younger children, they were often awake early with excitement, and on the go all day, so this is how the family found themselves most evenings. "Guess what.." Lottie said to her family. "What?" Asked Johnny smiling. "I love family vacation." She said proudly snuggling into her eldest sister, who cuddled her close. "Me too princess." Johnny sighed happily.

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