Everlasting Love

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"We've been married almost 10 years.." Holly said happily twirling in front of the mirror holding up a dress in the walk in closet of the master bedroom. Lily Rose was sat on the super king size bed with her baby brother laying quietly next to her. "And you haven't aged a bit." The step daughter giggled. "Oh hush you!" Holly said re hanging up the dress and entering the bedroom. "So is that everything sorted ready for tomorrow?" Lily asked kindly. "I think so. Gosh I don't know why your father wants to have this grand party, just having you guys home is the best present I could ask for." "Well we were never not going to come and celebrate you both! I can't believe you thought I wouldn't fly in! Jack I get because he always forgets birthdays and stuff..." Lily giggled before tickling her youngest brother under his chin. He managed to chuckle and almost say his sister's name before resorting to "Sissy" that his elder sisters always called Lily anyway. "Well it's all I've ever wanted." Holly smiled before scooping Teddy onto her hip. "Now what say we sort you all out some dinner?" Lily nodded at her step mother "I'll be right down."

Holly made her way down the stairs and found her two daughters playing sweetly together in the playroom. They both had princess dresses on and were under the watchful eye of their father. "Oh are you finished?" He said nonchalantly and Holly nodded "I'm going to make grilled chicken for dinner? Its light and hopefully won't be too much in this heat" Johnny smiled kissing her on the cheek. "Sounds delicious my love.. and hey little guy did you enjoy your nap?" The father said in a sickly sweet voice before taking his youngest child into his arms. "I'll be right back ok?" He said to his wife who happily nodded and retreated to the kitchen.

Johnny rushed up the stairs and softly knocked on his eldest daughter's bedroom door. She was an Angel, she was the first to give him breath, make him live. All his children were his gods but Lily held a special place in his heart. "Hey sweetness." "Hey Pop.. she totally fell for it. I told her the dresses were on sale and that I had been gifted them and they would go to waste if she didn't wear them." Johnny smirked rubbing his chin before occupying his youngest child who was on his hip with one of his many necklaces hanging down into his rather low unbuttoned shirt. "Great thanks darling.. and which one did she choose?" "She took a LOT of persuading but finally she agreed the white.. she looks stunning.. and it will look amazing with her tan from France and California." Johnny smiled. "Good because she looked so beautiful on our wedding day in white, I want the whole world to see her like that.." "Dad you said you had a handle on security and the press!" Lily said concerned. "I do. I mean, our world, those who matter to us." The daughter nodded before saying "So... NOW can I see the bracelet?" "Absolutely not young lady... once it's on her wrist you may." Lily smirked and nodded before her father headed towards the door. "Oh and by the way.. I heard Timothee's plane took off on time so I assume we will be seeing him for brunch?" Lily beamed. "Yes he text. Thanks again for sending the jet Daddy." "You're very welcome.. and whilst he's here try and keep things on the down low ok.. your sister is about to be 9 going on 19, and I can't have her thinking it's acceptable to be so public with your affections.. especially with a guy." Johnny said rolling his eyes at his daughters growing up. "Yeah yeah yeah Daddy. I promise." Johnny ruffled his son's hair before heading back downstairs. As he made his way into the living area he heard an almighty row beginning between his two middle children Lottie and Pippa. "What the hell is going on?!!" He heard Holly scold the two bickering girls. "I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it, now I suggest you finish playing or go to your rooms, hurting each other is NOT acceptable." The mother said firmly before Johnny entered the play room. "But Daddy!! Tell Mummy!! Pippa stole my husband!!!!" Johnny who placed a now more wide awake Teddy on the ground, furrowed his eyebrows. "Husband???" He questioned. "Yes.. I am marrying Henry Turner.. and Pip well she will just have to have Barbossa or the Commodore." "Pirates. AGAIN." Holly whispered with a smile making Johnny smirk. "Ahhh I see... well not to burst anyone's bubble.. but doesn't Henry end up with Carina?!" Johnny bent down to their height explaining, before earning a wide eyed look from his middle daughter "No.. I've changed it. You said we can make our own endings for Captain Jack so I'm making a new one for Henry. Me and him will marry on board The Pearl." "Rightio." Johnny replied before standing up straight "keep an eye on your brother I'm going to help Mummy."

"Wine?" He asked as he entered the large luxury kitchen. "Would LOVE some." Holly giggled. "It's been quite the day." "That it has my love." Johnny said opening the wine fridge and picking a nice bottle of white, his wife's favourite. "And tomorrow the celebrations begin." He said cheerfully. "Johnny, are you sure you want to do this?" "What spoil my wife, and show the world how in love we are a decade on?! Yes." He said excitedly. "Just the grand party, the trip just the two of us. Don't you think it's all a bit much with everything you've got on, and I've got with the foundation and Daddy not being well?" "That's exactly why we should do it. Let's not be those people who turn into roommates or business partners... let's be the husband and wife that decades on still ravish one another." He said wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing her neck. "Well if you insist." She whispered seductively. "Oh my darling I do... and 7 nights at The Brando.. what more could a man ask for."

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