"Johnny!! Will you tell him!" Holly said exhausted from the doorway of the master bedroom. She had been trying to shower for nearly two hours but her youngest baby boy, Teddy was in a terrible mood, and would not stay in his "big boy bed." "Coming darling." Johnny called out from his second youngest's room where he was reading Pippa a story. Holly pushed the hair off her face as she saw Johnny scoop up their son on his hip. "I'm not going to tell you again Teddy, it's bed time. Way past yours actually. Come on." He said firmly before entering the youngest's bedroom, Holly re entered the master bedroom and heard screeching and yelling. She sighed before placing her towel back on the bed and entering the landing once more. She heard her son screaming blue murder so entered the nursery with her hands on her hips and a stern look. "What is going on?" She said looking at her husband who was battling with the youngest Depp child, and putting him into the bed. "Teddy, Daddy isn't asking, he's telling you. Lay down in bed and go to sleep. Otherwise there will be serious trouble tomorrow." Johnny said sitting down on the edge and trying desperately to calm his boy who was now reaching out for his mother and claiming he wanted milk and cookies. "Daddy is right, you HAVE to go to sleep." Holly said tiredly. "Please Ted, listen to Mummy and Daddy, you've had a busy day. You need your rest." Johnny added. Teddy sat up again and reached for a toy on his bedside table that was swiftly removed from his reach by his mother. "Sleep now. Ted." Holly bent down and kissed his head before Johnny thought of an idea. "Hey. How about this. A one time deal. Mummy and Daddy will stay in the bed if Ted stays?" He said to his baby boy, who nodded. Holly rolled her eyes, Johnny was always giving into his children and she felt that Teddy needed to learn the hard way but after the trying few days, she felt it best not to argue. Lying either side of their two year old, Teddy was beaming smugly. He reached out his tiny hand to his mother and squeezed it tight which melted her heart. "Nite Mummy." He whispered already calming since lying down in bed. "Sweet dreams my little bear cub." She said kissing his head. He slowly turned his head to look at his father squished on the other side with a proud smile. "Love youuuu Pops." He said in a sickly sweet voice that made Johnny cuddle him even tighter. "I love you too Teddy Bear. Now please, close your eyes little one and get some sleep." Teddy scrunched his face up and thought for a second before a huge yawn took over, making his parents smile. They were both lying on their sides facing the baby of the family. The child's eyes finally started closing even though he fought it badly. Johnny reached across the child and grabbed his wife's hand. "I know it's been trying the last week or two, with the girls being poorly, and Ted up to his tricks but you're the best mother to my children." He whispered and she smiled in response, almost welling up at his words, but putting it down to her tiredness. "You're the best father they could ever dream of having." Johnny smiled and kissed her hand, before looking down at their boy who had finally fallen asleep.
After enjoying the quietness and peace of a sleeping toddler, the parents finally left the nursery about 30 minutes later after checking Teddy was indeed in a deep sleep. Johnny quietly closed the door, before turning to his wife who was hiding a yawn. "Go, go shower, I'll go downstairs and have one last smoke and we can have an early night ok?" Holly smiled before kissing her husband sweetly. "God I love you." She said with a smile as she pulled back. "I love you more. Now go."

The Ultimate Gentleman One Shots
FanfictionJust random snippets that have come to me, and necessarily fit in with the long term story. If you read The Ultimate Gentleman this will make a lot more sense.