Firstly, this is completely and utterly fictional. I have no clue as to what Mr Depp's political views are and no desire to learn them either. It was merely a brief idea for a one off short story.
"Johnny, come to bed baby. It's late."
"No... I won't be able to sleep anyway."
"Darling, you've done your bit, try to get some rest. There's nothing you can do. The country has had its say."Johnny got up from his arm chair where he had been watching the bedroom Tv quietly and joined his wife in bed. It was the middle of the night, and he had been glued to the presidential election coverage. "I love you." Holly said snuggling into him. His arm naturally found its way around her and pulled her close. "I just don't like it." He murmured quietly. "I know you don't, but that's why everyone gets a say, and it looks like the majority wanted that result." Holly whispered and then kissed his cheek softly. "But our girls, and children growing up in this.. this fucking mess." He said before closing his eyes and running his ring clad fingers through his hair. "Darling. We are so fortunate, we have another home, other options if things get that bad. You've already said that LA just doesn't have the same appeal it once had. London is where the little pickles were born, Paris, the elder pickles. We can raise and move our family anywhere you see fit. Right now though I think you need to rest." "I love you darling."
Later that day, the entire Depp clan had congregated in the kitchen for breakfast. "Papa.." "yes son.." Johnny said bending down to his youngest child Teddy. "Who is that??" He said pointing to the Tv screen. The four year old had been watching the coverage that had been on loop since they all had awoken. "That's Donald Trump." "Trump?" Teddy questioned. "Like Trump Trump?" "Ha.. yes a bit like that Teddy bear." Holly giggled at her youngest. "He's gonna be the President Ted." Lottie said to her younger brother. "That's not certain Lottie." Holly added before pouring herself coffee. "Well look, it's a landslide." The recently turned 13 year old claimed. Although not thrilled at the idea, both Holly and Johnny were proud that their children were being raised fully aware of the way the world worked, and were not hidden from things such as politics. "Well, it's important to remember that everyone votes for who they believe in. You have a right to vote and nobody should take that away from you." Johnny said before turning to his eldest children. "I'm proud of you, well done." "For what Dad?" Lily who had already moved out to a trendy apartment downtown years prior often returned home to Sweetzer to be with everyone. "For standing up in this election and having your say." "Well as a woman, it was my duty." She said proudly before kissing Lottie and Pippa's heads. "Girls, remember what I said ok? If you behave, Mum and Dad said you can come to fashion week ok?" The two girls were bouncing in their chairs with excitement. "I better go.. I'm meeting Daniele." Lily added before leaning over kissing Teddy, Jack and her step mother goodbye. "Dad, keep calm ok? It will all be ok." She added as she left the kitchen.
"Daddy, are you going to run for President next time?" Pippa asked inquisitively making both her parents giggle. "JD for President. Kinda has a ring to it." Jack smirked before picking up his cell phone that was ringing. "Haha... I doubt it my darling. I wouldn't want that kinda power or responsibility, you guys are all I need." Pippa smiled before Johnny looked over to his wife, "However your Mumma would be the prettiest First Lady we've ever had." Holly blushed before winking at her husband.

The Ultimate Gentleman One Shots
FanficJust random snippets that have come to me, and necessarily fit in with the long term story. If you read The Ultimate Gentleman this will make a lot more sense.