My baby girl is growing up...

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The buzzer went alerting the Depp family that they had a visitor. "Don't wait up!!!" Lottie called bounding out her bedroom. The 18 year old was dressed in a very revealing dress and heels. "Woah young lady, you know the rules. Your father wanted to speak with Zac before you went off out tonight." Holly said as she came out the master bedroom herself. "Mum!! This is like our fifth date, why does Daddy keep insisting on this?" Lottie said stomping her foot and throwing her brunette tresses off her face. She was all Holly in her looks but very Johnny in her attitude. The mother just raised her eyebrows at her daughter as if to say, you know why.

The woman and eldest daughter made their way down the stairs elegantly, before Holly noticed something. "Is that my Chanel clutch?" She asked, Lottie looked sheepish, "it matches the dress." She half whined. "You guard it with your life young lady. It's vintage and was a gift from Vanessa." "Thanks Mom!!" Lottie wrapped her mum in a hug as they heard the door being opened. "Good evening Sir.." a 19 year old boy said nervously. He donned a hipster style shirt, smart trousers and shoes. "Is Lottie ready?" Johnny nodded reluctantly spotting his wife and middle daughter further in the foyer. "We thought you could come in for a drink first. After all the night is still young." Johnny said opening the door wider and leading the young man into the living room. Holly followed leaving Lottie to say her own greeting to the boy, when the wife spotted Sean, Travis, Jack, and Isaac all in the living room. "Erhh... Johnny?" She whispered. "Back up darling." He smirked before gesturing to Lottie and her boyfriend to sit down. Holly smiled sweetly, although her husband now in his early sixties, he was still a handsome desired man, and certainly carried himself in a way that had their daughter's boyfriends shaking in their boots.

"So young man, what exactly is your intention for my daughter?" Johnny said from the opposite couch. "Well she's a great girl. I want to get to know her more." The young chap responded nervously making Johnny's hand twitch. "And where are you taking her this evening?" He asked. "Oh to some club, don't worry I've been a tonne of times, dancing that kinda thing." Johnny's eyes widened, spotting his daughter's attire and Holly grabbed her husband's hand and gently squeezed it.

A few hours later, Johnny was pacing. "I have a very bad feeling about this." He said nursing his whiskey. "Darling we can't do more than we've done. You've sent back up security, which she will kill you for if she spots them. She will be home soon." "But darling, she's my little girl." "And you're my man, I promise you, you'll both get through this. Look at Lily, and how happy she is now. He's a wonderful chap, don't you want Lottie to eventually be that happy?" "Yeah I guess." Johnny said slowly sitting down and rubbing his face. Holly sat down beside him and he lifted his arm and she snuggled into him. "You'll always have me around, despite all the children growing up and flying the nest."

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