"I can make coffee!"

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The chaos of a fifth child had completely blown Johnny's mind. Holly and the baby had returned home late yesterday, and the new family of 7 had been doing well since the latest arrival.

It was 4:30am, and Johnny had barely slept with his insomnia, and his newborn baby boy demanding attention. The father had no qualms in the latter, he already was completely smitten with the gift of his second son. Holly had done tremendously well during Labour and took it all in her stride as always. She was lying in their bed, their baby nursing, as Johnny made his way down the stairs slowly. Holly mentioned she was in discomfort a few times in the night and he wanted to grab her the trusty nursing pillow that he had rather stupidly left on the sofa last night. He grabbed the item before spotting their immaculate kitchen. It amazed him that his two eldest had been left home alone with his two youngest whilst he had rushed his wife to the hospital and the house was in fact still standing. He smiled to himself spotting the mugs neatly lined up in front of the luxury coffee machine ready for the morning. His wife really did plan for everything. He wandered through and flicked the light on. How hard could it be?

A short while later, and after a few whispered curse words, Johnny proudly slid the "Mama" and "Dada" hand painted mugs that always found their way out of storage when their babies were born into his hands and with the nursing pillow under his arm he headed back up the stairs desperately trying to be silent and not wake any other members of the household. He entered the master bedroom, and stopped at the view, Holly was glowing, although he knew she would argue with any compliment he gave her. She had a black slip on that was pulled down to allow for their baby to feed, her brunette tresses framed her face, her hair always grew so thick and silky when pregnant, and he admired it greatly. Her soft smile, and almost silent whispers to their baby as she cradled him made his heart swell. He never could imagine his life turning in this direction as he walked into that wine bar all those years ago.

"Hey.." she said quietly as she looked up and spotted him. The low glow from the bedside lamp providing a gentle halo around his Angel. "Sorry.. I got distracted" he said moving into the room and letting the nursing pillow fall on the end of the bed. He then made his way round to her bedside, avoiding spilling any of the freshly made coffee into the Moses basket, and lent over placing the mug down on her favourite H coaster. She smiled appreciatively as he kissed her head. "You made coffee?" She said with almost a giggle and utter surprise. "I make coffee!" He said defending himself as if he was some domestic god. "Especially when my beautiful wife has given me the most amazing precious gift once again." Holly bit her lip, Damn hormones playing up again. "I love you." She said with a tearful smile. "Hey... you haven't forgotten I love you too have you?" He said playfully as he slid back into bed on his own side. His arm wrapped immediately round her pulling her close. "Why am I so damn emotional this time?? Is it because it's the last?" She said looking up at him as he stroked her hair. "Maybe.. or maybe it's just different every time. You're doing an amazing job already darling. Don't beat yourself up about it." Holly nodded before seeing that their baby boy had drifted off to sleep, so she gently manoeuvred him into the Moses basket.

A few moments later, she snuggled back into her husband's arms. "Oooo I can't wait for later." She said perking up. "What? Why?!" Johnny said confused. "Your Dior campaign goes live this week remember, they said they would be releasing some of the photos on social media." "Pfft. That's what you're excited about?" "Johnny! You never ever like looking or watching yourself, so the first time I see you do anything is when it premieres... and besides I AM married to the world's sexiest man..." Johnny smiled at her compliment before chuckling. "and.. I make coffee."

*A little tribute, to the new Dior campaign, and to say #ThankYouDior for their continued support of Johnny Depp. I hope you like it!*

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