Why does EVERYONE know Daddy?

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"Come on! I don't have long!" Holly said pushing a large cart of groceries. Teddy was in the carrier, and she had two jet lagged daughters trailing behind her in the luxury grocery store in Burbank, California.

The family had arrived in the USA only the day prior ready for thanksgiving celebrations, and due to illness the housekeeper hadn't managed to stock up the house, so being the independent woman she was, Holly had decided to take it upon herself with three children in tow. A chore she was now rapidly regretting.

"I'm sleepy Mummy. I want to go home." Lottie whined. "And we will, just let me grab the last bits and then you can go sit in the car with Trav ok?" The security guard who also was pushing a cart had marched on ahead down the aisle smirked. "Excuse me dear.." an older woman interrupted. She was stood near a very tall stacked shelf so Holly assumed she may need assistance. "Yes?" She tried to reply sweetly battling jet lag and the stress of three children 8 and under in a busy store. "Are you that woman?" Holly's eyebrows raised "what woman?" She replied "The one dating him.. oh goodness what's his name. You know. Gosh I'll look silly if it's not you. That man.. Johnny. Johnny Depp." She said happily remembering. "Oh umm yes, that's me," Holly said with a friendly smile. "Well I've got to say, you're incredibly beautiful, way more beautiful than the papers make you out to be!" Holly was shocked but smiled "well that's kind thank you." "And these must be your children?" The old lady asked as if she was in no hurry at all. "Yes they are..." Holly said attempting to slowly get away and continue her day incognito. "I'm Lottie Rose Depp." Her eldest said proudly holding out her hand. "And I am Pippa! And that's our baby Teddy." The middle child equally as proudly announced. The old woman fussed over them both before standing up straighter and directing her next comment to Holly. "I can see why you have three, if it was down to me I would have an army with that man. Surely he must be good at it if you know what I mean." Holly's eyebrows nearly were in her hair line. "Umm well yes we are very happy." She responded as best she could. "Well I'm sure you are a VERY happy, satisfied woman." The old lady said not caring who heard her. "I really wouldn't kick him out of my bed anytime soon." Holly gasped at the last comment, before bidding goodbye to the lady politely and heading down towards where Travis was admiring the protein shakes. "What's up with you tomato face?" He said spotting her. "I think I may have just had the weirdest encounter ever. That old woman wants my husband... in more ways than one." Holly said in hushed tones making Travis chuckle.

As the group were in the car driving home. Travis had taken the wheel and Holly was riding shotgun with the children happily amused in the back with some candy. "Mummy..." Lottie said loudly. "Darling I'm really hoping your brother falls asleep on the car journey home can we keep it a little quieter?" Holly said sweetly turning to her little girl. "Ok.." Lottie whispered before asking "Why does EVERYONE know Daddy???" Holly's eyes widened. They had never encountered that question before. "What do you mean darling?" "Well everyone knows him and well why???" She asked naively. "Because Daddy's job means that a lot of people see him. Remember when we went to his tour and all those people were in the crowds?" Holly said sweetly and Lottie nodded before Pippa said "So he's everyone's Daddy?" "Good god no. He's just yours, sissy's and Jack's Daddy but a lot of people recognise him, and therefore sometimes us." The girls nodded and went back to playing with their dolls before Travis smirked. "Nice escape." "Thanks," Holly giggled back.

Later that day at the kitchen table, Holly had managed to navigate cooking a family meal with a pounding headache and two daughters who were bickering at each other due to their tiredness. She had called Johnny who was hunkered in his office preparing for his new role he began after the holiday, and the five sat at the table and began to eat their dinner. "So I heard there was a little disagreement about a doll again today?" Johnny said before his wife threw him daggers. She began to rub her forehead once again knowing the battle that was about to recommence. "May I ask as to why we are squabbling over a dolly? When Auntie G and Uncle Steve gifted you both the exact same doll, with different dresses so you could tell them apart?" Johnny continued earning a sad look from Pippa and a bold look from Lottie who soon thought better of answering her father back. "This is lovely darling, thank you." Johnny soon turned to his wife who smiled and sipped some water hoping some rehydration would help her head. "You're most welcome, sorry it's only pasta, but it's been a hectic day." She said with a soft smile. "Papa..." Lottie begin capturing their attention. "Yes my Angel?" Johnny asked. "Why do you get into bed with lots of women???" She asked spooning some spaghetti into her mouth innocently. Holly slowly turned towards her shocked husband and opened her mouth wide before slowly closing it and nervously swallowing. "Lottie, whatever do you mean??" Johnny asked placing his cutlery down gently. "The lady at the store.. she said she wouldn't kick you out of her bed. Why were you in there?? Do you not likes yours and Mummy's anymore?!" She responded before Pippa said "is that why you don't let us in for cuddles anymore and we have to knock ALL the time?!!" Johnny looked gobsmacked at his wife who calmly said "would you excuse Mummy and Daddy a second..."

The two adults jumped up and headed over to the other side of the kitchen. "What the actual fuck??" Johnny said in hushed tones making Holly smirk. "A woman stopped me at the store, she asked if I was your wife, of course I said yes and she essentially told me how much she would like to fuck you. I had no idea Lottie heard any of it!!" Holly hid a giggle in her hand before turning her back on her curious daughters. "Well how do I get out of this one??" Johnny smirked. "There's only ONE woman I want in my bed and I'm looking at her.." he said tipping her chin and stealing a passionate kiss. They slowly pulled back and retreated to the table ready for a rather awkward conversation.

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