Just random snippets that have come to me, and necessarily fit in with the long term story. If you read The Ultimate Gentleman this will make a lot more sense.
"Thank you so much for coming." Holly kissed Alice Cooper and his wife on the cheek. "Nonsense nowhere else we would rather be. You'll be catching up with us soon." Alice chuckled gesturing to his wife Sandra "God I hope so. You're the inspiration." She said sweetly before the pair moved over to the bar and Holly spotted Lily and her boyfriend closeby. "Congratulations once again Mrs Depp.." Timothee said kindly. "Why thank you, and what did I say. It's Holly, please." Lily gushed "and doesn't she look beautiful. I knew that dress would work for you." The proud step daughter said. "She looks simply perfect, darling... you're drink." Johnny said approaching in a dapper Dior suit. "How are you kids doing? Having fun? Lil where are the littles?" He asked. "Don't panic, they are with Nanna and Grandpa. She's fussing over them a right treat. Especially with how our dresses all match in some way." Holly gushed "you're incredibly sweet for doing that, the photos will look amazing" she said admiring Lily's pale pink dress once more. "Ahh looks like your brother found your uncles." Johnny said spotting Jack with Holly's brothers Ben and Adam. Jack now in his very early twenties looked every inch the dapper handsome son of the once sexiest man in Hollywood and waved before slowly approaching. "Holly, May I say how stunningly beautiful you look. What on earth are you still doing married to Dad?!" Holly giggled at her step son whilst Johnny cleared his throat jokingly. "Now my boy maybe if you used that charm on girls your own age you wouldn't be hanging out at the bar with your Uncles." "Actually Dad.. they were talking about a golf trip... can we go?! You know Grandpa loves them." Holly always beamed hearing Johnny's children who had fast become like her own refer to her parents as their own grandparents. "We'll talk about it.." Johnny said before taking Holly's hand and moving away to mingle with some other guests.
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"Oh my god! G!! How was Budapest?" Holly gushed hugging her long term friend. "Oh amazing, we loved every second. He's gonna be busy when you guys get back from your trip. They are in talks to fly out in September. After Lottie's birthday of course. He ensured that." The two women had grown extremely close since meeting and Holly valued her as one of her closest friends now. "Well that's good to hear. Yes it's gonna be a weird fall. Lily is off on that movie, Jack is going to visit an Art School in Berlin, Johnny on the movie set directing, we're hoping to visit as much as possible but with the girls schooling and stuff it's gonna be tough." "You guys have done it before you'll be fine." Gina said reassuringly "and besides I'm only there a few weekends anyway, and with Stephen gone I might end up moving in with you guys anyway." The two women giggled at that idea before Johnny approached. "More champagne darling?" Holly nodded but stopped at just a small glass. "I really should go check on the girls and Ted." "I just did sweetness, they are grand, Teddy is currently sat blabbering to Victoria. She's loving it but I'm not sure if he's making any sense." Holly beamed before looking across the room at her baby boy sat on the lap of Victoria a close friend of Johnny's and the wife of the late Shane MacGowan. "Well he is the perfect gent." Holly said before taking a sip of her drink. "You are the perfect role model for him." She added cuddling into her husband who blushed at her compliment before kissing her passionately and pulling back before things got too out of hand in public.
Much later on, the children were in bed, and Holly was in the master bedroom, stood before her dressing table and removing her jewellery. She had amassed quite the collection since meeting Johnny, every item deeply cherished, including the new exquisite diamond bracelet he had given her that day to mark their wedding anniversary. She heard him say goodnight to the security team and make his way up the stairs before entering the master suite. "Now my darling, we are finally alone." He whispered making goosebumps appear over her entire body. How was it this electric still after all this time? She didn't know, but she sincerely hoped it never went away.
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